World of Warcraft
13,245 Mods
rimlu Missing from Raid
0 Installssimple command to check who is missing from raid user options allow declaring from guild rank forward to list the players from commands: !rmissing !rmissing help !rmissing alias !rmissing add (for combining multiple characters) --...
Skinpu's Retri/prot Pala Pack
0 InstallsThese are my Weakauras for Retribution and Protection Paladin Link for Elvui: Large update: big overhaul on size and position, some icons been changed, merged with my prot pack which has also received a...
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 18 auras: stacky (icon) trinket legendary (icon) Dmg buff (icon) unstable miss (icon) unstable war (icon) cor miss (icon) agony1 (icon) siphon1 (icon) Haunt 1 (icon) Haunt 2 (icon) sing1...
SL Trink / Buffs [Warlock]
0 InstallsBeta Version of:
Demonology Warlock - Set 3
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 30 auras: Dark Pact - Active 2 (icon) Dark Pact - Available 2 (icon) Dark Pact - Active Absorb 2 (text) Dark Pact - CD 2 (icon) Demon Skin -...
Polo´s Warlock UI
0 InstallsOnly for: Destruction Warlock, Trolls, Grimoire of Supremacy - Talent, Supports: Azharas Trinket by showing the Buff and a Popup, Mauts Trinket by a Popup, Cataclysm by 2 Popups, Burning Rush by a Popup while...
FluffyButt's Hunter HUD
0 InstallsThis is inspired by Powered's Fire Mage setup, so big shoutout to him. PoweredByPowered This is a minimal setup, but it tracks everything needed to play MM The bars tracking duration of spells is located...
Indicator - Mastery Bar
0 InstallsChanges color at different levels
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 11 auras: FO (icon) Inf B (icon) RoP CD (icon) Combustion off cd (icon) Combustion on cd (icon) Combustion dur (aurabar) RoP dur (aurabar) DB (icon) Cs2 (icon) LB (icon)...
Fire Mage (3/3)
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 14 auras: Phoenix's Flames - Charges (icon) Phoenix's Flames - Charges = 0 (icon) Phoenix's Flames - Recharge (text) Ice Floes - Active 1 2 (texture) Ice Floes - Active...
Mage: 7.0 Buffs
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 8 auras: Lust (icon) Nithramus (icon) Ice Floes: Active (icon) DSI: Buff (icon) Pouch: Buff (icon) 4pT18 (icon) Potion (icon) Thunderlord (icon)
Resto Sham UI 2
0 InstallsBasic HUD mashed together from various other weakauras. Just uploading for friends, probably won't be maintaining.
Lame Resto Shaman
0 InstallsIt works pretty good. Not updated yet for non-necrolord.
0 InstallsRestoration Shaman weakauras, made for 8.1.5, complete spell set, meant to substitute your actionbars and clean your UI whilst still being very effective, just replace your own keybinds on the editor and all you need...
0 InstallsGroup for my Enhancement Shaman Weakaura on 6.2
0 InstallsJust my own WA you can ignore it, its public because i can.
0 InstallsGroup for my Elemental Shaman Weakaura on 6.2
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 3 auras: Ascendance (aurabar) EM (aurabar) EM + Asc (aurabar)
Awakeni Resto Shamwow WA Bar
0 InstallsResto WeakAuras
Main Bar 2
0 InstallsWeakauras for all healing specs and associated dps specs. Resto shaman is the most polished because it's my main. Download all of the parts below or it won't function: Main Bar 1: Main Bar...