World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
SirEdvin || Frame CD indicators v1.0
0 InstallsЭта коллекция WA будет отображать значительную часть различных сейвов и бурстов на фреймах (причем не только ваших) для понимания ситуации в инсте или рейде. Сделана для того, что бы каждый раз не конфигурить фреймы заново
0 InstallsThis WeakAuras were made on the German Client so it might not work on English Client. Everything was created with Spell-IDs so it should work…theoretically.
0 InstallsThis WeakAuras were made on the German Client so it might not work on English Client. Everything was created with Spell-IDs so it should work…theoretically.
0 InstallsThis WeakAuras were made on the German Client so it might not work on English Client. Everything was created with Spell-IDs so it should work…theoretically.
Prot HUD BfA
0 InstallsBorders and icons are skinned with Caith.
Warrior Protection Hud by Xavorcos
0 InstallsWarrior Protection HUD by Xavorcos Bei Fragen oder Hilfe zu meiner Weakaura "Warrior Protection Hud" könnt ihr mich gerne über Battle-Tag Kontaktieren! BT: Razor#2977
Azaras - Warrior Package
0 InstallsHello! This is my first weakaura on wagoio. This is basically a hard modified version of Luckyones Windwalker/Brewmaster package. I editied it for my UI, which is from the streamer Nyhxy, you can find him...
blood thrist crit chance
0 InstallsThis is an icon type aura.
Bare Bones Arms Focused Rage 7.1
0 Installs- Only activates in combat when Focused Rage is talented - Focused Rage glows at 3 stacks to discourage using excess rage - Blood of Zakajz shown in place of Battle Cry when activated -...
T21-11 Argus the Unmaker
0 InstallsArgus the Unmaker Tank Auras for all langages. Requires the other tank to be your focus for these to fully work. T21-11 Sweeping Scythe Self (icon) T21-11 Sweeping Scythe Focus (icon)
T21-04 Portal Keeper Hasabel Tank Auras
0 InstallsPortal Keeper Hasabel Tank Auras for all langages. Requires the other tank to be your focus for these to fully work. T21-04 Reality Tear Focus (icon) T21-04 Reality Tear Self (icon) T21-04 Fire Portal (icon)...
T21-03 Antoran High Command Tank Aureas
0 InstallsAntoran High Command Tank Auras for all langages. Requires the other tank to be your focus for these to fully work. T21-03 Exploit Weakness Focus (icon) T21-03 Exploit Weakness Self (icon)
T21-08 The Coven of Shivarra Tank Auras
0 InstallsThe Coven of Shivarra Tank Auras for all langages. Requires the other tank to be your focus for these to fully work. T21-08 Shivan Pact (icon) T21-08 Fiery Strike Self (icon) T21-08 Fiery Strike Focus...
Juice Disc Priest CD
0 Installscredit goes to : Link This is a collection of 12 auras: Light's Wrath (icon) Schism (icon) Solace (icon) Disc Halo (icon) Disc DS (icon) PW:B (icon) Fiend (icon) Pain Suppression (icon) Leap (icon)...
Speer der Pain [DE]
0 InstallsDiese WeakAura zeigt an wann der Speer der Pain sich aufläd und dann losschießt um sich zu positionieren.
Discipline Priest Vertical UI
0 InstallsUI I made for myself, I thought I may as well upload and share with others. I doesn't include everything: I did not include any PvP talents or spells, and it'll track some spells that...
Nates Shadow Priest Vertical UI
0 InstallsEDIT :NGA 一区罗宁联盟 橙丶风暴烈酒
Disc Priest All in One
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 38 auras.
[TBC] eman-holy-paladin-ui
0 InstallsEman's Holy Paladin UI (DEPRECATED) This weakaura will not be maintained and is now replaced by: this weakaura tracks important rotational cooldowns and mana percentage for holy paladin.
Miasma Raidframes
0 InstallsHighlights the raid frames of anyone who is affected by Gluttonous Miasma in an over the top way.