World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Bigwigs or DBM timeline
1.9k InstallsBased on raid ability timeline by Jodsderechte but with much less code. Requires Bigwigs or DBM to be installed for it to work. Does not hide BW or DBM bars : resize and/or move your...
EoE P3 Dragon Vehicle Mechanics - WotLK Classic
739 InstallsTrack Eye of Eternity Malygos phase 3 dragon vehicle buffs/debuffs, current energy and combo points. Option to show countdown with audio when you will be one of the targets for Surge of Power. - Only...
Wise Mari - Corrupted Geyser
15.6k InstallsTrack corrupted geyser cast
Group Finder Helper
530 InstallsGroup Finder Helper is a WeakAura that improves the experience of finding groups in World of Warcraft. It does this by providing filters, notifications, and other helpful tools. Features: Chat and sound notifications when a...
Call to Arms - Updated
1.6k InstallsTracks Call to arms for the LFG tool. Notifies via on screen text and sound clip Can be configured to display for only certain roles as well ie just healer or tank and dps. Fork...
Clickable Dungeon Portals - custom options each dungeon can be shown/hidden
2k InstallsCLICKABLE DUNGEON PORTALS Features Shows clickable buttons of the dungeon teleports that you have. Should load with any language. Attaches neatly to your LFG window. Only loads if the portals are known by that particular...
Azerite Essence (9.0)
5.8k InstallsThis WA will automatic change the icon when you change the Major Essence in your neck. If you have any questions or request message me on Discord where i'm active most of the time (Josh#7695)...
Quaking - Stop Casting - Coloring based on cast time
6.1k InstallsWeakaura for the Mythic+ affix Quaking. Green text = you can finish your cast Red text = you need to cancel your cast White text = you are not casting. Added color functionality to
Susumu Raid Cooldowns - WotLK Classic
1.7k Installs(Formerly Aces Raid Cooldowns) Track CD for group/raid members. Aura respects talents and glyphs for displaying CDs and for getting cooldown reductions. (glyph requirements below) - The WeakAura will display if the player is dead...
1.4k InstallsItankadin Itankadin is made to help you keep track of what is important to you, the Protection Paladin. Here you will only see your stats without the Weakaura becoming bloated. As part of a huge...
M+ !keys Shadowlands v9.0.2
1.9k InstallsRespond to !keys command in party or guild chat. Have fun! Twitch ► Twitter ►
Azerite Essences (9.0.1 Pre-Patch)
14k InstallsPatch 8.2 examples: Shows remaining cooldown for every HoA essence and their stacks for example on "The Crucible of Flame". Shows haste gain in % for "Condensed Life-Force" and stacks until crit buff for "The...
Burning Cursade Mob Lexicon
2.1k InstallsDisplays the abilites of Dungeon/Raid Bosses and Mobs in the tooltip. Currently includes: All TBC Dungeons Karazhan Gruul's Lair Magtheridon's Lair Serpentshrine Caverns The Eye Mount Hyjal Black Temple Zul'Aman Sunwell Plateau All abilities are...
[Wotlk] Tank Stats
1k InstallsDescription Shows hit, armor, avoidance, expertise and crit reduction. Used primarily for tanks. If you want more offensive stats you can install my other WA [Wotlk] Melee Stats at the bottom of this description. Formula...
RaidManager - Group Buff Trinkets (Heraldry / Chorus)
4.9k InstallsManage your raiders with the Heraldry and Chorus trinkets equipped better. Exorsus Raid Tools is required for this weakaura to work Supports Stone Legion Heraldry, Chorus, and Ocarina.
7.5k InstallsUpdate: Now shows count down to when the next Quake *could* occur. Quaking bar - by asakawa - Green if not casting or if cast will complete in time. Red if cast will not complete...
Incoming Heal Checker
4.3k InstallsWorks for wotlkc now Show how many healers are healing the unit on Raidframe Green means the player is the first one to heal the unit 在团队框架上显示有多少治疗正在对单位治疗 如果你第一口 绿色 如果你第二口,但是你们加一起的过量都不超过阈值(默认10%) 绿色 否则一律红色 建议只在团刷时参考颜色,因为刷T时,第一口不一定有效 PS:可以转换为材质类型,变为只有角标材质,没有数字 FAQ地址:...
Dragonflight | Season 1 | Affixes - 1440p
97 InstallsThis pack contains Cast Bars, Icon, and Text for every Affix in M+.
831 InstallsHey guys, if you notice that something is broken or pulling errors, please either comment here or send me a message on Discord (Tehr#5246, Discord is much faster) and I'll update this ASAP! This WeakAura...
Healer Mana Watcher [WOTLK]
1.6k Installs-healer mana percent -range check -offline/visible/dead status -drinking/innervate/soulstone status