World of Warcraft
13,775 Mods
Buy your shit
1 InstallsGives you reminders to buy weapon oil, health pots and combat potions. To add one just copy any of the existing ones and change the item Id in the Trigger. The threshold can be changed...
0 Installs阋墙符文特效监控
Lock & Load nag after removing Soul of the Huntmaster
0 InstallsNag icon and sound to remind you to talent change to Lock & Load after removing the legendary Soul of the Huntmaster.
Mage Fire Pyro Bracers
0 InstallsA HUD to track Fire Mage Pyro Bracers procs. The texture will grey out when you cant cast pyro in time. This HUD is optimized for 1080p display. This HUD is meant to be use...
Clickable consumes, buffs & gearsets - Prot Pala
1 InstallsCredit: https://wago.io/P43TmJ4Jd Setting up gear sets is also explained there.
[LEG] [ENH] Akainu's Absolute Justice Bars
1 InstallsThis group adds information about Akainu's Absolute Justice to the Enhancement Legendaries collection. http://i.imgur.com/aBUZKmR.png This is a collection of 2 auras: [LEG] [ENH] Akainu's Flametongue UP (aurabar) [LEG] [ENH] Akainu's Frostbrand UP (aurabar)
[LEG] [ENH] Sephuz's Secret Bars
1 InstallsThis adds two bars to the Enhancement Legendaries collection. The first bar, in blue, shows your Sephuz's Secret proc and time remaining. The second bar, in red, shows the internal cooldown (30s) on your Sephuz's...
[LEG] [ENH] Prydaz's Bars
0 InstallsThis displays a white bar representing your Prydaz shield. The number on the left shows how much remaining shield you have. The red bar represents the internal cooldown before your next Prydaz shield procs. This...
Lockbox Reminder
1 InstallsAdds an alert icon whenever you have a high level lockbox in inventory, and are grouped with and in range of a Rogue.
Destillat der zehn Länder / Draught of Ten Lands
1 InstallsReminder to use your second EP draught
Sprawl's Buffs!
0 InstallsPlaces a bar across the top center of your screen that shows what buffs you're missing in Shadowlands.
Oshu'Gun Relic
1 InstallsSound & Countdown timer for Oshu Gun Relic's "Power of Prayer" Buff.
1 InstallsShow number of allies nearby (8 yards when no buff, 20 yard on chapter one buff, 8 yard on chapter two buff). Shows crit/vers from buff as well
1 InstallsTracks stacks of blood-soaked. Shows when haste proc happens from reaching 40 stacks. And timer for Major crit dmg increase
Prydaz Absorb and Recharge
1 InstallsIt displays the amount of absorb you have left, a timer for the recharge while in combat and a red icon if you don't have the buff.
1 InstallsWarns user if corruption is above specified threshold on readycheck.
Never forget the neck
1 InstallsRemembers you to remove your neck if : You have it still equipped It is on cooldown You don't have its buff Currently tracks : Spell Damage neck Spell Crit neck Melee Crit neck
Windwalker 4-Set Bonus
1 InstallsShows a progress texture stacking up to 10 times. When 10 stacks are reached the next 3 attacks depletes the progress texture.
Отсутствующие зачарования
1 InstallsФорк викауры Missing Enchants на русском языке с некоторыми дополнениями. Показывает отсутствующие чары для предмета на экипировке, надетой в данный момент. Отображает строку текста для каждого отсутствующего чара, обозначающего слот недостающего чара. Не показывает зачарования,...
Simc字串生成器 2.2
1 Installs此為 https://wago.io/M7OZQ74CK 的正體中文翻譯版。指令:/sgen