World of Warcraft
13,245 Mods
Trinkets and Procs
1 InstallsAn edited version of https://wago.io/PK-3-G1si/4 tracks trinket uptime and internal cooldowns, bloodlust uptime, and hyjal ring uptime and ICD.
Паладин расходники
0 InstallsИзбыточный список необходимых вещей и расходников для рейдовой недели. Можно включать/выключать позиции, а так же изменять количество предметов.
Aggramar's Stride
1 InstallsFor those who have a specific item set they use to run faster, this WA reminds you that you have the boots equipped, so that you don't forget to switch back to your main set...
AP Pro Bar By Radmoon
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 26 auras: AP_Number (text) AP_Bar (aurabar) AP_PredictBarSpark (aurabar) AP_CastBarLine (aurabar) Starfall Bar (aurabar) SF_attn (icon) MF_attn (icon) CA_CD (icon) INC_CD 2 (icon) CA_INC (icon) INC_READY 2 (icon) CA_READY (icon) MoonMoon...
Switch between Zandalar charm and TOEP
1 InstallsIf you have either the TOEP or the Zandalar charm equipped, but not both, this will switch them around after you've used them (if you're out of combat and the cooldown is still above 30...
Consumptive Infusion
1 InstallsThis group tracks the cooldown of the Consumptive Infusion trinket. Warning: This is not localized and uses EN text for buff and debuff detection. 1. DPS: This desaturated icon will tell you when the trinket...
Item Charge Sorter
1 InstallsKeeps items with limited charges in the desired order. By default, items with fewer charges will be in front. Configurable sorting and item blacklist.
Class - Fire Mage
1 InstallsVersion 1.21
Phial of Serenity
1 Installscooldown
Shaman WA UI Enhancement
1 InstallsContains: - Enhancement shaman skills - Enhancement Legendaries buffs (DW and PLA, other to be added in future if necessary) - Enhancement talents buffs - Talent wolves elements (TODO: add extra wolves icons for 4p...
Prydaz - Shield/Timer Display
0 InstallsDisplays current shield and duration timer for Prydaz.
Arcane Strike - SSO Neck Proc Tracker
1 InstallsThis add-on simply displays the arcane strike damage in a visual way so you know when it's actually procing and for how much
Lycara's Fleeting Glimpse (True Timer)
0 InstallsAdds a timer to count for Lycara's Fleeting Glimpse. It also only tracks during combat and saves the time between combats, making it a true timer. It also shows what spell you'll be casting once...
0 Installs簡單層數監空,觸發太陽之王后撥放音效倒數時間
IQD+Bell Overlap
1 InstallsShow time remaining with overlap of IQD and Bell
Current Starsurge cost text
1 InstallsThis is a current Starsurge cost text If cost < 40 (33 or 26) set red color
Hunter solo Tribute run T1 5-piece check
1 InstallsHaving the 5-set bonus from hunters Giantstalker set equipped can cause King Gordok and Cho'Rush to have linked aggro tables which obviously causes problems when trying to solo run. This simple Weakaura will both warn...
Freezing Winds Icon
1 InstallsTimer for the next finger of frost procs from the freezing winds legendary
Sun King's Blessing ready
1 InstallsI like to clearly see when I can Pyroblast to gain Combustion! I hope you'll like it!
New updated Major cd's
1 InstallsThis is a collection of 6 auras: Crusade Timer and icon (icon) Crusade Stacks (icon) Judgment Debuff (icon) Whispers of the Nathrezim (icon) Drought of Souls (icon) TV (icon)