World of Warcraft
13,245 Mods
All Pantheon Trinket
1 InstallsAll the pantheon's trinket buff :) I hope you'll like it, enjoy !
Riftworld Codex
1 InstallsVery simple dynamic group showing the buffs from Riftworld Codex trinket. Winds of Kareth (icon) Flames of Ruvaraad (icon) Light of Absolarn 2 (icon)
Sephuz version FR
1 InstallsThis is a collection of 3 auras: Active 2 (icon) Cooldown 2 (icon) Seph Avail 2 (icon)
1 Installs癫狂宣言饰品监视
Shadowlands Trinkets
1 Installs*NOTE* THIS IS IN DEVELOPMENT *NOTE* This Weak Aura will be a dynamic group containing a collection of all the trinkets which could use track of. It will track the cooldown of on use trinkets...
Shields Breaking !
1 InstallsA simple weakaura to complain when your shield is breaking. Set a custom % threshold in the custom options for how low you want to go before getting a warning.
Mana Potion efficiency TBC
1 InstallsTriggers, when your mana deficit is at 3000 or higher and your potion is of cooldown.
Shaded Hearthing Enchanted Item Equipped
0 InstallsShows warning when you have your bracers enchanted with "Shaded Hearthing" equipped so you do not forget to take them off after hearthing.
Wakener's Frond
0 InstallsAdd's icon for Wakener's Frond trinket including cooldown if equipped. Currently attached to "elvuibar3" frame but can be changed in "display" -> "position" as shown in image.
Sprawl's Memories... Yikes!!
1 InstallsDisplays when you or someone in your party activates the Memories of Past Sins trinket.
Hoj + Maelsotrm
0 InstallsUn weak aura qui vous montre les proc' de la main de justice + Maelstorm ( suite de sombrelune ) ( Via BisonPasFuté )
Gaspinawe DK Runes
1 Installs**UPDATED** Now changes colour with spec.
<Devilhawk> Arrows management
1 Installs===== EN ==== Weakauras in french which allows to warn when you don't have much arrows left, or when you should switch between good arrow (boss) or bad arrow (rest) Easy to edit arrows names...
Opulence Crowns
1 InstallsMade By: Dorelyn - Aerie Peak (US)
Majordomo's Dinner Bell PROCS (DF Ready)
1 InstallsMajordomo's dinner bell trinket buff show an icon with with stat its proced with timer of the current proc -Crit -Haste -Mastery -Vers Feel free to leave any comments if u found any bugs.
1 InstallsReminds you that your SR neck - Medallion of Karabor is still equipped with a large, glowing icon.
Classic Pala - Buff-/Infoleiste
0 InstallsEine Übsersicht über fehlende Buffs(Tränke, Buff-Food und Waffenbuff), sowie der Hinweis wenn Richturteil und Hammer der Gerechtigkeit bereit ist.
Patch 7.2 Destro Warlock Set - Part 4 of 4: Trinkets & Leggos
0 InstallsThis is a brand new re-vamped weak auras set made especially for destruction warlock and made to work with 7.2! (If you like my set, please let me know by dropping a star, or if...
Frost resistance gear - reminder - 3.3.5 content
0 InstallsFrost resi reminder: This wa for 3.3.5 content. This link for older version of wa addon (2.x) - It will alert to equip frost resi gear when you enter Sindragosa's Lair in Naxxramas. It...
Prydaz Progress Bar
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 3 auras: PrydazAbsorbBar (aurabar) PrydazAbsorbText (text) PrydazRefresh (aurabar) A simple progess bar that shows the absorb amount remaining on the Prydaz buff. Includes a refresh timer (remixed from a WA...