World of Warcraft
13,714 Mods
The Maw - Equip Ring lmao
0 InstallsPassive effect of Most Regal Signet of Sire Denathrius is nice. Equipping it ocasionally if it's not your bis item is far beyond normal human being abilities. Text popping in the middle of your screen...
Slowfall Cape Remove Reminder
0 InstallsReminds you to replace your cape if you have either the engineering, or the skyguard slowfall capes equipped.
Equipped Corruption List (TSU)
0 InstallsThis is an alternative version of Equipped Corruption List WA.
Soul of the FFFFUUUUU
0 InstallsDisplays a notification when you have unspent talents. Those wretched talent rings…
Intellect Track
0 InstallsBarrinha que mostra em tempo real quantidade de intelecto do player
War Belt of the Sentinel Army
0 InstallsBelt Stacks (icon) Glows after you reach 19 stacks
trinket (esquille - bijou alchimiste - la conque)
0 Installssupporte la conque le bijou alchi et l'esquille (BOD) (sera updater avec les bijous des prochain palier a traquer.. so je les loot pour faire les test de fonctionalité)
0 Installsmpnt mão
Trinket Tracker by Rothius
0 InstallsPart of WA set for Affliction and Destruction Warlock by Rothius - https://wago.io/rJbUFu3gQ and Blood Death Knight by Rothius - https://wago.io/Hy-Jqu2gm
Sephuz Useful Aura Inverted
0 InstallsInversion of Shuut's 'Sephuz Useful Aura' (https://wago.io/rkDYs715W)
Bella's Personal mouse reminder
0 InstallsA ready check reminder that can be modified in the display tab to remind you of anything you need. Originally created for Bella. I use mine for my venthyr tea…
Sentinel's Eternal Refuge
0 InstallsRed number is stacks. Green number is remaining time of the buff. Under the icon is the total movement speed of your toon. The red + green numbers and icon will not be visable if...
0 InstallsPops up when carafe comes off CD. Updates: Fixed it to work for all specs now. Now added a check to see if the item is equipped.
Velen's Future Sight
0 InstallsVelen's (icon) Shows CD for Velen's Future Sight legendary and glows when it's up for use again
0 Installs此為 https://wago.io/GreatVaultHistory 的正體中文版,顯示傳奇鑰石的歷史紀錄。
Activate Me (On use neck reminder)
0 InstallsReminder for on use JC necks.
KL Repair Announcer
0 InstallsKnicklighter-Stormscale, 18-02-2021
Shaman WA UI Basic skills and auras
0 InstallsContains: - Totems skills - Basic shaman skills - Covenants skills All my WA UI parts: - Basic skills (https://wago.io/K6YuU5uMB) - Trinkets (https://wago.io/ITEeD1ciN) - Elemental (https://wago.io/DrHdF2d6K) - Enhancement (https://wago.io/UxbpbpwvJ) Thanks Amani (https://wago.io/p/Amani) for his WAs...
Ineffable Truth "I Want The Truth" Tracker
0 InstallsWhen IT procs, it plays the custom sound bite "I want the truth" and shows a picture of Tom Cruise. To set it up, download the zip file from the below link, and extract the...
Bad Gear
0 InstallsA base for telling you to remove unwanted items before a fight. Right now it includes tidefury, and karabor medallion (the teleport one).