World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
Mistcaller Ocarina
338 InstallsKeeps track of any of the Mistcaller Ocarina buffs for yourself as well as your group members, also only shows the buff indicator whenever the trinket is not on cooldown
Doom Winds
330 InstallsWill load whenever in combat on a shaman with DW legendary equipped.
Chaos Bane Tracking Group
895 InstallsA Tracking Group for the Chaos Bane buff. It'll track the Chaos Bane stacks upto 15 and then display the final main stat buff with a glow around it. Only shows in Combat. Provided some...
Forbidden Obsidian Claw
709 InstallsTrack the cooldown of the Forbidden Obsidian Claw trinket from Ny'alotha.
Expose Weakness
297 InstallsShows Hunters T2 8/8 debuff Expose Weakness in the top center of the screen when it procs on the current target. Shows remaining timer on the debuff and plays sound when it's activated.
Trinket Slots
332 InstallsTrinket cooldowns for all specs
Wormhole Generator despawn timer
98 InstallsPlays a sound and displays a 60s timer until the wormhole despawns.
Trinket Slots
22 InstallsShows the cooldown of your trinket in the top slot. If no usable trinkets are in that slot the aura will not show.
Spoils of Neltharus by Squish
314 InstallsThis WA makes it easy to keep track of your Spoils of Neltharus trinket and easily tell which secondary stat you have available before using the trinket. It then tracks the trinket CD and displays...
StatsNow Classic - Defense
62 InstallsAn on-screen display of your defensive stats for Classic WoW. Melee Stats: https://wago.io/FOhcREqmq Defense Stats: https://wago.io/fnYxvjmte Spell Stats: https://wago.io/VGhgJkOdE Range Stats: https://wago.io/P06IABSLU
Ragefeather Helper [Cafe]
277 InstallsDesigned specifically to work with the Furious Ragefeather trinket. How does this all work? This trinket sends a DOT to an enemy when it procs, and if the target dies while under this effect, the...
Burgeoning Seed
334 Installstrack burgeoning seed buff and glow at 5 stacks
ABH - Trinkets - [Dragonflight] - 10.1
88 InstallsPack of individual auras for all DF Season 1 and 2 trinkets. Most trinket auras currently just track the cooldown, some that I have access to show buff uptime and things like absorb/stat amounts.
Corruption Buffs
542 InstallsBuffs granted from Corruption Gear.
Scars of Fraternal Strife
345 InstallsNo frills tracker for how many runes you have active and how long on the trinket's remaining cooldown. Doubles as timer for the explosion on the final rune.
Cloak Proc [Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve] Cape PROC
281 InstallsKzuky-Hyjal
Simple Slimy Consumptive Organ
299 InstallsShows icon with active stacks of Slimy Consumptive Organ and adding a glow when at full stacks
Classic Wand Swing Timer
40 InstallsJust a simple wand weakaura
Whispering Incarnate Icon - All Buffs from Party
640 InstallsNo plan to make this work with how the buffs currently work - on both my toons I never got one, so never figured out how the buffs actually work - so I made an...
Auto Ghetto Hearth
257 InstallsDEPRECATED: No longer works in WOTLK due to changes to how ghetto hearthing works. You'll be immediately ported to the nearest graveyard. Automatically triggers a ghetto hearth when entering Stockades or Ragefire Chasm. NO REQUIREMENT...