World of Warcraft
13,245 Mods
Buyer [TBC] [WotLK]
4 InstallsCompletely configurable vendor buyer WA. Use the Custom Options tab to design custom buttons that are anchored to every vendor frame if the vendor sells the items specified in the config. Simple to add buttons...
Herb Farm Helper
12 InstallsThis WeakAura is supposed to help you keep track of how many (Shadowlands) herbs you have in your inventory, and whether you need to farm more. This is achieved by setting a farm goal in...
12 InstallsSimple tracker for number of each ore in your bags
Inschriftenkunde / Inscription 1-350 Mats (Pre WOTLK)
12 InstallsDas ist eine Materialliste für den kommenden Beruf Inschriftenkunde in WOLTK. Guide: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Works also with EN Client. This is a materials list for the upcoming profession Inscription in WOLTK. Guide:
SL Herb Tracker
15 InstallsHerbalist reagent count. By CynicalBear. I modified the aura to show SL herbs.
Materials on Hand
7 InstallsThis displays the gathered materials you have on your character as well as in the bank. Only includes the rank 1-3 gathered materials. Currently only displays if you know the skill related to the materials....
Herb&Ore Tracker
10 InstallsAn extension of the Herb Tracker by asdfsdfsdfasdfgg Like his it needs TSM 4.
Mists of Pandaria Profession Supplies Tracker
8 InstallsAll in one area to track MoP Mats for all professions. This gives you a total of all the items in your bags and bank. Only the items you currently possess in your bags or...
BFA Plant tracker
12 InstallsShows the icon of the plant on the aura once you got at least one in the bag.
Alchemy 1-450
8 InstallsSimple Weakaura that tracks required material for Alchemy from 1 to 450. Follow the guide on WARCRAFTTAVERN.COM
Herb Tracker (all languages)
7 InstallsBased on Seggar's Weak Aura ("Herb Tracker 7.3 (Seggar)") : An evolve to adapt weak aura for all languages.
Warlords of Draenor Profession Supplies Tracker
8 InstallsAll in one area to track WoD Mats for all professions. This gives you a total of all the items in your bags and bank. Only the items you currently possess in your bags or...
Garrison Tracker
14 InstallsTracks all needed stuff for the garrison farm. If you don't see the WA, go to group -> position settings and adjust X and Y Offset.
Bagspace Warning (if less then 10%)
22 InstallsThis weak aura checks your bag to see how much space is left ! Will only popup if you have less then 10% bagspace remaining.
Herb Tracker with TSM prices
10 InstallsCreated by MadowTv
4 Installsamount and speed tracker for BFA gathering professions.
Whiiskeyz | Universal Cast Bar | Dragonflight
10 InstallsUniversal Cast Bar For All Classes More Of My Profiles Weakauras ElvUI Profile Shadowed Unit Frames Plater Details | Requires ElvUI & Shadow & Light For The Bar Texture That Is Used Whiiskeyz UI Collection...
Profession Mats (Dragonflight)
0 InstallsWeakaura to track Profession Mats for mining and fishing. Mats show when the 'dressing' buff is on for each particular profession.
Fish counter Shadowlands
9 InstallsCounter for Shadowlands fish + darkmoon daggermaw. Shows up if Underlight Angler is equipped. I made this based on Herb counter_SL WA. Masque skin is enabled here. I use the Hex AmtoftEU
Fishing Pole idiot
22 InstallsFlashes text and makes a sound when entering an instance with a fishing pole equipped