World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
4. Shadowlands ore counter
84 InstallsShows a list of icons of currenly owned (on current character, bag and bank) ores and stones. Loads on having mining learned
Dragon Isles Profession Tracker
72 InstallsEach tracking option is turned on by default for the Professions you have learned. If you want to turn on more than what you have learned, you can change those Load options for the each...
Dynamic Mat Tracker - TBC
105 InstallsThis project is based on this weakaura Shows icons for each mat you have in your bag/bank. Inside icon is BAG quantity, under icon is BANK quantity, the above icon is the total. It is...
Auto-tracking switch
234 InstallsSwitches between herb and mining automatically Uses a macro to enable/disable /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents("AUTO_FIND_TOGGLE") Original credits:
Clickable Icons With Timers for Overload Elemental Herb / Deposit / Mining
58 InstallsClickable Icons With Timers for Overload Elemental Herb and Overload Elemental Deposit. I recommend to enable "Dragonriding" in load tab, to see the Icons only while on a Dragonriding mount. If you dont like...
Shadowlands 9.2 Herb Counter by Violatrix
86 InstallsI adapted this from the excellent Shadowlands herb counter by Jacksel and added First Flower to the list of tracked/counted herbs.
Mit's Auto Find Minerals and Herbs
188 InstallsAutomatically toggle between finding minerals and finding herbs. This WeakAura is a modified version of the "Find Mineral and Herb Auto Toggle" WeakAura by Addohm.
62 InstallsThis addon allows you to setup master looter to auto loot items to your self or a player of your choosing. You can setup multiple profiles to suit your needs. See the images to see...
BFA Mining Mats
71 InstallsShows Ore count on screen, including what you have in the bank. Triggered by learning the profession Mining Monelite Ore (icon) Stormsilver Ore (icon) Platinum Ore (icon)
70 InstallsThis WA will automatically cast "Find Minerals" when you resurrect. This triggers the global cooldown immediately after ressing, so this WA is disabled in battlegrounds by default.
Dragonflight - Mining
79 InstallsSimple WA to track your ore possessions in the dragon isles
8.2 Herb Tracker
92 InstallsWrofkigar's BFA 8.2 Herb Tracker
Mining Counter WOTLK Classic
69 InstallsMining mats tracker in WOTLK Classic Inspired by Nightwalker Aura is tracking: Saronite Ore Cobalt Ore Titanium Ore Saronite Bar Cobalt Bar Crystallized Earth Crystallized Shadow Crystallized Water Crystallized Air Crystallized Fire Eternal Earth...
Gathering Tracker
66 InstallsTracks all ranks of the gathered items. This WA will only show if you have the gathering profession equipment on (The buff you get in DF when gathering). Only shows the relevant professions.
DragonFlight Leather Count
52 InstallsA Basic Dragonflight Leather Counter, it only counts rank 2 and 3 mats. (Primal Chaos and Artisan's mettle included) . Remove Gold and Silver Indicators to stream line, more mat's will be added in the...
Gatherer Companion
84 InstallsGatherer Companion allows you to easily track some of the most basic Dragonflight gathering reagents. Hey guys, this is my first published Weak Aura. Tips and requests are welcome :)
BFA Herbalism Mats
45 InstallsSimple WA to show current herb mats on character, Akunda's Bite, Riverbud, Sea Stalk, Siren's Pollen, Star Moss, Winter's Kiss, Anchor Weed, Expulsom 2
Tymona's Dragonflight Helfer
80 InstallsCredit Haldu's Dragonflight Helper ( und Tama's Profession Module ( Alle Anerkennung geht an Haldu und Tama für die Grundidee und Code. Ich habe letztlich nur alles vernünftig ins Deutsche übersetzt sowie noch einige Optische...
Shadowlands Herb Count
79 InstallsDisplays character's total Bag and Bank count of Shadowlands Herbs.
Remove Profession Equipment Buff
241 InstallsThis will remove all buffs related to Profession Equipment so it can't ruin your transmog. I made this WA because Mahra Treebender ( is supposed to limit when you see your equipment but doesn't work....