World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
Overload Elemental Herb Ready
29 InstallsRemind you that your Overload Elemental Herb cast is ready while you're casting Herb Gathering
Herb progress
22 InstallsShows a Progress bar of how many herbs you have to pick up to a certain ammount Once that threshold is reached the Progressbar disappears. To toggle the visibility of the Aura, you can use...
Rousing Elements Tracker
32 InstallsTracks Rousing Elements (Left) and Awakened Elements (Right) that are in your inventory and in your bank.
DMF Items
32 InstallsShow the items needed for your professions while in Elwynn Forest or the Darkmoon Faire that you need for the profession quests. The number will be red if you don't have enough items so you...
DF Crafting Elementals
20 InstallsTrack Rousing and Awakened Elements with mouseover tooltips
【凉风版】WA-SAVED!显示账户多角色各CD&货币等 - WLK
11 Installs说明: 鼠标移动至黄色小图标自动显示,初次装载WA黄色小图标可能在窗体外,请自行拖动调整小图标位置和大小。 功能: - 显示单个账号下所有服务器和角色的商业技能CD、副本CD,各类货币数据。需要各角色登录一次才会记录。 - 支持所有有冷却时间的商业技能。为了确保其准备性,第一次装载WA后需要打开一次各角色对应的商业技能列表进行准确记录,之后的商业技能冷却会在施法后自动记录。 - 支持货币自定义显示设置:荣誉点数,竞技场点数,达拉然珠宝匠硬币,美食家奖章,英雄纹章,勇气纹章,征服纹章, 凯旋纹章,寒冰纹章,冠军的徽记, 奥特兰克山谷荣誉奖章, 阿拉希盆地荣誉奖章, 风暴之眼荣誉奖章, 远古海滩荣誉奖章, 战歌峡谷荣誉奖章,冬拥湖荣誉奖章,征服之岛荣誉奖章, 岩石守卫者的碎片, 风险硬币,公正徽章,赛德里尔精华 - 支持记录装等 - 支持配置显示的角色等级限制 - 右键WA弹出确认框,可在WA显示异常时尝试重置数据 Q&A: 1、如何判断哪些角色可以一同显示? 上面有提到“显示单个账号下所有服务器和角色”,简单的理解就是如果游戏不可以同时登录就可以一同显示。 2、重置数据后还是显示有问题怎么办? 请删除该WA再重新导入。 由【亚服-阿拉希盆地-凉风】制作
Kez's Classic Resource Gatherer
11 InstallsFork and spin off of Titania's Shadowlands Resource Gatherer https://wago.io/BkTbdiR8X/10 A few improvements: There are configurations under custom options to select which items you want to track You can pass in a comma delimited list...
WoW Cooldown Notifier
21 InstallsNotifies you on Discord when your Wotlk Crafting Cooldown is available. This Weak Aura is used in conjunction with the desktop app. Please see the full install instructions on github: https://github.com/ninthwalker/WoWCDNotifier You can also get...
Powls Auto Gather Tracker
2 InstallsA WA that activates your known Gather-Tracking spell while not Tracking anything (like after ressing).
! Ascu - Vigor Recharge for farmhud
25 InstallsShow a tiny buff bar in the center of your screen to show the Vigor recharge buff. Ideal for use with Farmhud.
Dragonflight Gathering By RuneKingThor
5 InstallsThis WA shows the quantity and currency value estimation of each herb and ore in your bag and bank, rank by rank, and you need TSM to see your gold estimation. It might show nothing,...
BFA - Skin Counter (8.2)
24 InstallsModified version of https://wago.io/fLRYlkkrT All credit to original maker Does not include Hardened Tempest Hide, that is a Leatherworking item
🌀[Enchant ] ENCHANTING MATS . bfa🌀
18 InstallsSee all mats in bags AND bank -------------- [WA] FOR CRAFT : Herbs tracker: https://wago.io/ByPLys-YQ Mining mats: https://wago.io/SkrDlKoTX OTHER UTLITY : [WA] Raid CD Heal Tracker : https://wago.io/tJdpqVYPN [WA] (trinket) Incandescemt Sliver Tracker : https://wago.io/9UftdiZHJ...
WoTLK Herb
29 InstallsHerb counter for Wrath
TSM Buyout Tracker
24 InstallsTrack the actual value of your Items! This group checks the acutal MinBuyout of the last TSM Scan Data and shows the difference between DBMarket and MinBuyout with a: ~~ -- or ++. Legend: ~~...
Эффекты - ISJ
0 InstallsОтслеживание эффектов на игроке/цели
Háthor's BFA Herbalism Counter
25 InstallsCounter to track your herbalism farming. 1. Indicates the maximum of each herb (bags + bank) 2. Displays the currently collected for each herb (at session) 3. By default following zones are activated: Kul Tiras...
Train Profession
29 InstallsDisplays a warning when you can train your next profession level up and when you've capped your current training. Takes racials into account.
MiningTracker - Vanilla
0 InstallsA simple mineral tracker for classic era. It will track the minerals (ore/bars) depending on your mining level. and it will only show the field if you have at least 1 of the ore/bar type....
Shadowlands Leatherworking Farming
26 InstallsAll the collectibles for the leatherworking profession in Shadowlands. The display name is translated.