World of Warcraft
13,245 Mods
0 InstallsThis is an all around basic UI for MM for those who don't want to use action bars.
DSG - Marksmanship Hunter Alerts
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 5 auras: Windburst (icon) Lock and Load (icon) Marked Shot (icon) Marking TGT (icon) Vulnerable tracker (aurabar) This is a simple set of Weak Auras that I use on my...
ZazhuuGaming Marksmanship Hunter Auras
0 InstallsPublik's Marksmanship Hunter Auras
ZazhuuGaming Beast Mastery Hunter Auras
0 InstallsPublik's Marksmanship Hunter Auras
Vulnerable + Aimed Shot / GCD forecast
0 InstallsCustom code that pots the casting time of Aimed Shot and global cooldown factoring haste. The green/yellow region represents time spent on future/current Aimed Shots, while the pink region represents the global cooldown in proportion...
Survival buffs
0 InstallsDiscontinued This is a collection of 3 auras: mok (aurabar) Mongoose Fury (aurabar) Eagle (aurabar)
Faal's BM weak auras
0 InstallsWIP Weak auras for BM. Red bar is frenzy on pet, white bar is beast cleave. Bar under player frame is pet health (I find the default pet frame to be hard to see health)
Personal Hunter Rotation
0 InstallsPatch 8.1 - Created by Luxthos
Beast Mastery
0 InstallsWhen the Focus bar is orange, Cobra Shot; when it's grey, don't. Dire Beasts is across the top, Kill Command is on the sides.
Hunter: Beast Mastery HUD
0 InstallsDisplays Barbed Shot helper bar, important skills, inactive pet, focus bar. Credits to Muertador, slightly altered to better match my needs and keybindings.
Razzier Hunter
0 InstallsRazzier Hunter UI (MM so far, more inc)
0 InstallsPublik's Beast Mastery Hunter Auras
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 23 auras: Combat Time (text) 連環火網 (icon) 彈幕 (icon) 彈幕1 (icon) 彈幕2 (icon) 彈幕3 (icon) 精確瞄準 (text) 精確瞄準1 (text) 精確瞄準2 (text) 百步穿楊1 (text) 百步穿楊2 (text) 百步穿楊3 (text) 標記目標1 (text) 標記目標2...
Beastmaster Hunter bar
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 12 auras: Art_52 (icon) Dire Beast (icon) Beast Cleave (icon) Dire Frenzy (icon) Bestial Wrath (icon) Crows (icon) Pot hunter 3 (icon) Aspect of the Wild (icon) Art_Ability (icon) sprint_2...
t21 - Survival (2p and 4p)
0 InstallsThis is an icon for the t21 effects for survival. If "Expose Flank" (2p) procs, the aura glows. Similiary, if you get 6 stacks of "In for the Kill" (4p) the aura starts shaking. There's...
Caltrops Icon
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 3 auras: Caltrops (icon) Caltrops 2 (icon) Caltrops Glow (texture)
Kams Focus Bar T20
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 16 auras: Focus Text (text) Aimed Shot min (texture) Aimed Shot Trueshot min (texture) Max Focus MM (texture) Marked Shot (texture) Marked Shot Volley (texture) Aimed Trueshot (texture) Aimed Trueshot...
0 InstallsLow Health (text) Low Health - Target (text) CDShow (text) TrinketShow (text) Horn for low health; Text for low health on current target for executes / etc; main CD show; trinket show when < 10...
Hunter BM Group 2 of 3
0 InstallsVarious Cool downs for buffs. Its the group below the focus bar.
Traitors Oath
0 InstallsThis is an icon showing when you have the buff active from the arcway/court of stars set