World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
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Okemo's Rectangle UI
0 InstallsA UI overlay including a health bar, cast bar, powers bars (mana, maelstrom, focus, etc.) Tracks combo points for all specs. Please feel free to contact if you find any bugs, or if you have...
Idion UI - CDs 2
0 InstallsMajor CD's for multiple specs/classes. Part of Idion UI: Idion UI is based on ElvUI + Weakauras. Many auras are anchored to either the player frame or the other auras in the UI. All specs...
Idion UI - Buffs 2
0 InstallsSemi-important buffs for multiple specs/classes. Part of Idion UI: Idion UI is based on ElvUI + Weakauras. Many auras are anchored to either the player frame or the other auras in the UI. All specs...