World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
Hunter Beastmaster Cooldowns Other
0 InstallsIcons (40x40). Tracks Barbed Shot (Debuff on Target) Cooldown Hunter Mark Status (Present or Not Present) Wild Spirits (Night Fae) Cooldown
Hunter Beastmaster Cooldowns Row 3
0 InstallsCooldown icons (40x40) for Soulforge Embers (Hunter Legendary). Tracks Cooldowns for Tar Trap and Flare (the two parts of Soulforge Embers) displayed as well. Row 3 of 3
Hunter - 0.6 (Spells) BM
0 InstallsSpells, checking resource (Blue) range (red) cd (grey)
BM huntardo
0 InstallsBM huntardo
Hunter || Zirgly UI
0 InstallsTracks everything you need on MM and BM Hunter. Currently only for Kyrian, will update once 9.1.5 lets me swap covenants.
Laak/Lindely Current Effects Tracker
0 InstallsProc / Cooldown / Consumable duration tracker with unknown original author made for classic updated with every useful short duration consumable, item proc and on use trinket effect along with short group buffs from party...
Sv Bandage
0 Installstells when feral frenzy, flayed shot and the kidney bleed of assas rogue on party1, 2 or pet.
BM Hunter SL Pre Patch entry level Hunter for Dungeons/Raids
0 InstallsMy Shadow lands Easy mode BM Hunter. Puts out awesome DPS and helps with beginners/ entry level for anyone starting. I made this build for my wife which was super casual and had issues focusing...
FluffyButt's Hunter HUD
0 InstallsThis is inspired by Powered's Fire Mage setup, so big shoutout to him. PoweredByPowered This is a minimal setup, but it tracks everything needed to play MM The bars tracking duration of spells is located...
DefCooldowns [DE]
0 InstallsRaid/Persönliche Def Cooldown Es werden alle Raid Cooldowns als Schild angezeigt, mit dem % Wert wie viel sie schützen, außerdem werden für Tanks jeder externe Def Cooldowns um Spieler herum angezeigt.
Golluméo - Buffs
0 InstallsThis set goes along my other classes WA. Kinda mandatory if you're looking to get my UI installed :p
All covenant's second abillity
0 InstallsWeakaura for covenant's second abillity
Idion UI - Power Bar1s
0 InstallsPrimary power bars for multiple specs/classes. Part of Idion UI: Idion UI is based on ElvUI + Weakauras. Many auras are anchored to either the player frame or the other auras in the UI. All...
Idion UI - CDs 3
0 InstallsSelected utility CD's for multiple specs/classes. Part of Idion UI: Idion UI is based on ElvUI + Weakauras. Many auras are anchored to either the player frame or the other auras in the UI. All...
Idion UI - Power Bar2s
0 InstallsSecondary Power bars for multiple specs/classes. Part of Idion UI: Idion UI is based on ElvUI + Weakauras. Many auras are anchored to either the player frame or the other auras in the UI. All...
Idion UI - CDs 5
0 InstallsRacials, signature covenant abilities, healthstones, trinkets etc. CD tracking. Part of Idion UI: Idion UI is based on ElvUI + Weakauras. Many auras are anchored to either the player frame or the other auras in...
Idion UI - Buffs
0 InstallsImportant buffs for multiple specs/classes. Part of Idion UI: Idion UI is based on ElvUI + Weakauras. Many auras are anchored to either the player frame or the other auras in the UI. All specs...
Idion UI - Extra CDs/Icons
0 InstallsCDs, buffs etc displayed together with the CD1 packages. Part of Idion UI: Idion UI is based on ElvUI + Weakauras. Many auras are anchored to either the player frame or the other auras in...
Position Marker
0 InstallsSimple position marker for all classes.
0 InstallsSephuz on you.