World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Magtheridon - Adds interrupt
81 InstallsPlays a sound when the adds cast Volley or Mending, two different sounds for mucle memory. Made by Zulgin @Nethergarde Keep EU
Braided Eternium Chain: Not Used
25 InstallsDon't be the goofus who forgot to use your JC neck. Shows the cooldown timer of your Braided Eternium Chain when equipped and not buffed by it, and reminds you to use it once it's...
Boss Debuff 监视
73 Installs简易的Raid Debuff 监测,包括破甲,术士诅咒(元素/鲁莽/虚弱),雷霆挫志,精灵火虫群以及风剑特效。
GTFO Group
69 InstallsImplements visual warning representations for the Addon GTFO for those of us that raid without sound. Many thanks to the official documentation that described the process:
Raid Manabars (w/ Warning & Healer Tracker)
13 InstallsManabars for your Raid/Party. With Option to only show Healers, mark Healers and Thresholds useable for Kaz'rogal. Fork of the classic WA Sigurdr - HealerBars (
Geralt`s Monitor
63 InstallsTBC大多数职业技能/饰品触发使用监控
ARP Calculator
53 Installstop row is the boss armor second row is armor calculated by raidcomp third row is armor calculated with raidcomp and your gear + proccs like executioner and trinkets (this one is more to not...
High King Maulgar BlindEye Interrupts
13 InstallsTo be Tested Displays cast bars when Blindeye is casting Prayer of Healing or Heal. Displays Power Word: Shield buff when applied to Blindeye IF FOCUS TARGET. Displays a Curse of Tongues Icon when Curse...
Tradable Loot - Expiration time alert
57 InstallsDisplay all items that are still tradable and that have less than 30 minutes remaining. Very useful when you are the loot master and don't want to spend all your raid worrying about forgetting to...
Class Buffs TBC
30 Installs***work in progress*** Hello there, this weakaura is tracking missing class buffs which are available to you. Easy config via custom options. What it isn´t: -tracking missing buffs on a party/raid member (yet) -tracking non...
Loot the Badge Re-Loaded P5
53 InstallsThis Weak Aura reminds you to Loot the Badge of Justice from All heroic Bosses. It also reminds you to loot the badge from Raid Encounters that had a badge of justice added to the...
Interruptorder Anchoring (Maghteridon)
13 Installs Interruptorder weakaura with added IDs for Maghtheridon p1 (Shadow Bolt Volley & Dark Mending)
SSC, TK, Gruul - Hug chargers alert
6 InstallsProvides hug-alert for mobs with charge
Raid Debuffs - TBC
19 InstallsTracker for Curse of the Elements, Curse of Recklessness, Scorch, Shadow Weaving, Sunder Armor / Expose Armor & Faerie Fire
Zulgin Drummer boi Range
15 InstallsShows if you party (either 5-man or your party in raids) are in range for drums. Made by Zulgin @Nethergarde Keep EU
Tems' Tier 4 Pack [RU adapted]
15 InstallsОригинальный WA - Адаптировано под RU клиент
42 InstallsEman's Healthstone reminder A very simple Weakaura to alert you to use a Healthstone when your character is below 38% health. Gets the job done.
Raid Consumables
21 InstallsTracks raid consumables outside of combat within raid groups.
Nameplate Power Bar Classic
31 InstallsA Power bar that anchors to your nameplate. Combines Asakawa's Universal Power Bar with a modified version of GamesAndBacon's Generic Nameplate Anchor to create a universal power bar above nameplates. It was created for my...
14 Installs法系组夜枭之链/夜晚之眼缺失提醒