World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Raid Consumes Checklist
30 InstallsDynamic consumables tracker for TBC. Supports All classes/consumes, turns colors based on how much you have or don't have. **At this time, I am unable to get it to track JC Neck charges correctly** To...
Raid Debuffs
16 InstallsA simple bar to track the most critical 25/10 man raid debuffs, usefull for raidleaders or leadership
25 InstallsInnervate CD tracker. Shows which druid innervated which target and how much time is left on the CD.
Raid/Party Mana
11 InstallsShows the raid mana in percent if in raid and party mana if in a party.
Shadow Priest - Dots and Debuffs
28 InstallsTracks dots and debuffs like Starshards (if you're a Night Elf), Vampiric Embrace, Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch and Shadow Vulnaribility from Shadow Weaving.
Spell Shield Tracker
29 InstallsThis weakaura is for the healers to know to focus on the mage tank when they have <= 10 seconds left on the stealable mage shield. Sound alert: focus.ogg Say text onhide: [%n] Mage tank...
Krosh Spell Shield
24 InstallsFor tanking Krosh Firehand Displays the duration of the spellshield buff Glows when the buff has less than 5 seconds remaining
Ucha's Non-Shaman Totem Tracker
22 InstallsThere are lots of weakauras that track totems for Shamans, but there are not many that track totem buffs when you are playing another class so I decided to make one. Its always good to...
Zulgin - Trinkets-Racial Ready-buffs
18 InstallsShows aura when trinket is used or procs. All trinkets included from Phase 1 to Phase 5 Use this aura with Made by Zulgin @Nethergarde Keep EU
Normal nameplate range in instances
6 InstallsNormal nameplate range in instances. Will automatically reset to 20 yards when entering an instance and 41 when exiting.
Meeting Stone Summon Announcer (w/ whisper)
5 InstallsAnnounces meeting stone summons in party/raid chat and sends the recipient a whisper.
Edited highlight raid frame debuffs
6 InstallsEdited Highlight raid frame with important debuff so it's easier to see. Link to original WA:
Dungeon - Targeted Spells (TBC classic compatible)
7 InstallsFork of, compatible with TBC classic.
PoM Tracker Group
16 InstallsShows remaining PoM jumps, remaining duration and healed + overhealed ammount
14 InstallsEman's missing group buff tracker This weakaura tracks missing buffs according to what classes are in your party/raid. Tracks: Battle Shout / Commanding Shout Paladin blessings Arcane Intellect / Arcane Brilliance Power Word: Fortitude /...
Group Mana Tide Alert
8 InstallsNotifies you when a shaman in your group activates his Manatide Totem and displays the duration.
raid buffs tracker (warlock vers)
11 InstallsTracks personal buffs in raids (some in 5man dungeons as well): Fel armor Demonic sacrifice buff - Sacrificed succubus or imp Salv - if there are 1 or more paladins in your party/raid Kings -...
Nameplate Targets
9 InstallsDisplay ToT on nameplates.
0 Installs**mrt 애드온(method raid tools) 애드온 필요. **테스트 완료 **2.5.2 패치로 쓸모가 없어진 위크오라 입니다. 메모에 총 5줄을 클릭해서 넣어야 합니다. (1시 4시 6시 8시 11시 순서) 띄어쓰기 할 필요 없이 엔터만 누르면 됩니다. 전송 버튼을...
In/Out Combat (TBC)
1 InstallsIn/Out Combat for The Burning Cruasde Classic Ready for pre-patch on 2021-May-18. What Does It Do? This is a simple WeakAura imported from the Shadowlands client. It simply states when you enter and leave combat....