World of Warcraft
13,248 Mods
Searing Touch
1.4k InstallsОжог | scorch
Darpeh's Vending Machine v1.12
673 InstallsIf you feel like buying my a coffee for my efforts feel free: This aura adds buttons to the trade window for water/food that allow you to post single stacks, 3 food/3 water, or...
Sun King's Blessing
233 InstallsTrack's the legendary Sun King's Blessing. * Shows the total amount of stacks before consuming Sun King's Blessing * Expiration timer before the buff falls off * Monochrome while building up the legendary effect *...
1.8k Installs暴雪自带的小队框架显示与你相反Debuff的玩家 显示你目前的Debuff以及剩余时间 提醒还有多久出雷霆 当你能消时 持续播报你的印记类型 你可以不消时 显示安全提示
Combustion Quality
1k Installs适用于魔兽版本 - 不只可以统计燃烧内炎爆和风暴的数量,还可以统计质量(是否吃到纪律严明、吃到几层熔岩瀑流),当未装备纪律严明时不统计纪律严明 - 自动获取熔岩瀑流导灵器等级和是否装备纪律严明,根据炎爆术或烈焰风暴出手时吃到的熔岩瀑流和纪律严明buff(如果有的话)计算炎爆术或烈焰风暴质量 - 斜杠前面为有效炎爆术或烈焰风暴数,后面为打出的炎爆术或烈焰风暴总量 Compatible with Warcraft version 9.0.5, WeakAuras version 3.2.1 - count Pyroblast and Flamestrike when Combustion is active - quality will be lower if a Pyroblast or Flamestrike is...
Improved Scorch/Shadowbolt Reminder
406 InstallsWill show an icon if improved scorch or improved shadowbolt (5% crit debuff) has less than 5 seconds remaining. Icon will start flashing if the debuff falls off entirely. Note, this won't work on training...
Blade of Eternal Darkness
534 InstallsCounts the mana recovered using Blade of Eternal Darkness. Custom options: Spell name: The name of the spell to track in combat log. Spell batching (s): Count events within this time frame as a single...
法师爆发监控/Mage burst tracker(all specs customizable)
1.2k Installs监控自己,以及其他法师玩家的爆发质量,包括火法和奥法爆发。可以统计法师爆发期间炎爆、火焰风暴、奥术冲击、奥术弹幕的数量,爆发期间伤害总额,点燃峰值等。可以监控爆发期间玩家获得了哪些增益效果,例如灌注等。爆发期间信息以图标和文字的方式实时显示,当爆发结束之后,可以通过通过系统、小队、团队、密语等多个频道报告信息。 此WA经过全新设计,已经支持自定义监控的爆发法术和爆发期间法术、BUFF,因此不仅能够支持火法和奥法的爆发,可以通过简单的设置监控其他任何职业爆发质量。 1.0.15更新 支持了类似于大法师之触,对目标释放Debuff类型的爆发,优化了选项结构和显示细节。 1.0.14重要更新 1.重写架构,现在可以自由定义监控的爆发技能,以及爆发期间所使用的法术。通过修改自定义选项,可以支持几乎任何职业的爆发监控。例如这里有一个简单自定义生成的 2.完善报告代码,增加表情,修复某些类型消息不支持颜色和链接的问题 1.0.10更新 1.增加了统计延迟容限,燃烧结束后显示时间的设置 2.增加了燃烧期间BUFF监控的设置,可以监控燃烧期间诸如嗜血、灌注等重要BUFF的覆盖情况 3.使用TSU重新编写代码,进行了性能优化 This WA track the burst quality of yourself or other mage players,such as the count of Pyroblast and Flamestrike,as well as the total damage...
Spell Ready Reminders
77 InstallsWhat does this WeakAura do? There are certain spells or abilities that players want to know right away they're ready. This WeakAura notifies you when there are 10 seconds or less left and keeps that...
Don't Clip Living Bomb (Nameplates)
236 InstallsTracks your Living Bomb debuffs on enemy nameplates and glows if the debuff will expire before your current cast is finised (i.e. if it's safe to queue up Living Bomb on the next global without...
Pet Low Health
712 InstallsGives a visual and audio warning when pet gets low health and would like some healing
(Text) Comet Storm 2 Piece
1.4k Installswatch Frost Mage Tier 2 Set Bonus Trigger Cooldown Icon Version:
Interrupt CD
902 InstallsInterrupt CD party (aurabar) Show all Kicks in Group on CD
PreUI - Blaster Master Tracker
1.1k InstallsMy WeakAuras can be found here -> My UI Setup Video can be found here -> UPDATE - Added Blaster Master Tracker (Counts Stacks & Time Remaining)
Cooldown Timeline (Core)
69 InstallsIntroduction This aura is an animated timeline for tracking generic cooldowns while playing as any Class: Dragonriding, Racials, Potions, Healthstone, Demonic Gateway, and Sated. Use it in conjunction with any of the Class modules found...
[Clickable] use Healthstone
236 InstallsBigger icon , red glow and sound alert when you are below 35% health and its also Clickable to use it immediately . Icon is black and white when you don't have healthstone in...
Operation Mechagon: Junkyard Weapons
63 InstallsOperation Mechagon: Junkyard Weapons Simply tracks the bots you do not have yet. What Does This WeakAura Do? Tracks Junkyard Bots in Operation Mechagon that you do NOT have. Improvements? Discord: Unhalted#0001
Rune of Power Range & Duration
1.2k InstallsA simple icon that displays the remaining time of Rune of Power when it's active. When you move out of range, the icon greys out and text turns red. Modified from Check out my...
[zHUD] • Zippy's Mage HUD (CDs, Trinkets, Enchants etc.)
111 InstallsThis WA shows progress textures around your character for CD abilities/trinkets/enchants and proccs. It also shows when you are drinking/eating. The textures are color-coded: - Spell Power enhancements are shown in red, - Haste/Cast Speed...
Player frame mana regen
99 InstallsThis WeakAura overlays mana regen and 5 second rule information on the player frame mana bar. Features: Mana regen spark 5 second rule timer below the mana bar Spirit Tap proc timer for shadow priests...