World of Warcraft
13,248 Mods
Monk Covenants
684 InstallsMonk covenant ability cooldown and buff tracker. Weapons of Order (including RSK buff) Faeline Stomp Fallen Order Bonedust Brew
868 Installs全职业的盟约技能监控 本人自用版 特别做成和上版本的项链技能监控布局很像 如果上版本用过项链技能监控WA 这个布局看的就很舒服 BUFF监控我感觉没啥必要 都是看个人选择监控 比如我都是分成一组BUFF监控一组DEBUFF 和盟约是分开的 如果有要求可能后续会做吧 目前只测试了几个职业 都没啥问题 后续如果使用有问题会更新 欢迎联系 分享给大家 觉得好可以点个星 谢谢 作者:血法 B站: 随性直播: 特别感谢 流浪的小树 以及美服玩家gaoshiboyy 提供的帮助
Melee AOE Range Checker
666 InstallsA tool to check whether there are enemies out of your AOE range in the nearby area; This is also helpful for verify the real range of your abilities. Created by CN 打牙专家丶-格瑞姆巴托
217 Installs语音包下载 链接: 提取码:lge1 文件存放至\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns\
Elusive Brawler With Dodge percent
591 InstallsSimple tracker for elusive brawler duration, current character dodge percent and stacks
Quazii Mistweaver Core - Shadowlands
774 InstallsQuazii Mistweaver Shadowlands WeakAuras Comprise TWO sets of WeakAuras that must be installed, in order to replicate the look and feel in the image and video. #1: Core Abilities tracks your rotational abilities, utilities and...
Horde Racials - All in One WA
740 InstallsAll Horde racials in one light WA, not a Dynamic group. When a Horde Racial ability is used, if it has an active effect it'll be displayed, afterwards it'll show the cooldown, once off CD...
Raiku - Monk Core
375 InstallsMonk class WA for all three specializations. Complementary WA for Talents can be found here: If you have any issues with my WeakAura Pack, please ask me on my Discord Credit to Babylonius...
Jade Serpent Statue
525 InstallsAll credit goes to Ribcakes for making the majority of this addon but current it seems unmaintained so I made a copy of it to keep it update to date with the new jss duration!
Invoke Celestials
628 InstallsIcon and timer for Xuen, Niuzao, Chi-Ji and Yu'lon
Mistweaver Teachings of the Monastery & Rising Sun Kick proc tracker
467 InstallsTracker for Teachings of the Monastery stacks, and cooldown timer for Rising Sun Kick with glow when active. Removes icons when not in combat.
Monk - Mistweaver - Dragonflight
95 InstallsMy Mistweaver Monk Weakaura UPDATED for Dragonflight
Necrotic Tracker
747 InstallsLists all active necrotic debuffs in your party, shows how many current stacks, time remaining and who its on of course :p
ToD Max Health Tracker
633 InstallsThis weakaura track the damage done and player max health for Touch of Death when the target health is below 15% or is less than player max health The icon will glow if the current...
Kyrian Vial Missing (Phial of Serenity)
631 InstallsPopup if you're missing the Kyrian vials (ALL instance types)
Quazii Mistweaver Buff Bar - Shadowlands
763 InstallsQuazii Mistweaver Shadowlands WeakAuras Comprise TWO sets of WeakAuras that must be installed, in order to replicate the look and feel in the image and video. #1: Core Abilities tracks your rotational abilities, utilities and...
429 InstallsSimple transcendence tracker: - Displays icon with timer when you set up your transcendence "clone" - Highlights it when "Transcendence: Transfer" is usable (i.e. in range and not on CD) - Displays CD of "Transcendence:...
Keefer's Skyreach
526 InstallsAura for Keefer's Skyreach proc. Shows when debuff is active, can be applied and on cooldown. Glows when active or can be activated. Red if out of distance.
Shaohao's Lessons Tracker
321 InstallsFor 10.0.7 when Shaohao's Lesson's becomes a trackable spell All in one Sheilun's Gift/Veil of Pride/Shaohao's Lessons Weak Aura Track's what your next Shaohao's Lessons buff will be and displays that icon Shows buff duration...
Chaos Bane Tracking Group
895 InstallsA Tracking Group for the Chaos Bane buff. It'll track the Chaos Bane stacks upto 15 and then display the final main stat buff with a glow around it. Only shows in Combat. Provided some...