World of Warcraft
13,268 Mods
Mythic Mistweaver
4 InstallsMy version of Grimey's Pro Bar. Original Aura: Updated 07/24/2018 Changes: -Fixed Mana percentage returning a null value. -Fixed Talent location changes. -Added tracking for Monastery stacks. -Added tracking for RSK, Leg Sweep and...
Monk: Brewmaster - BfA ready (8.0.1)
2 InstallsModified Version of Mnejing's WA ( Main features - Stagger tracker (Current dmg, current dmg in %, coloring bars depends on stagger amount) - TargetTarget bar with indicator if you (maintank), Offtank or someone else...
Combo Strikes
4 InstallsThis is a collection of 6 auras: CS - TP (icon) CS - BoK (icon) CS - RsK (icon) CS - FoF (icon) CS - WDP (icon) CS - SCK (icon)
4 InstallsPlays "Skadoosh" (reference from Kung Fu Panda) when Touch of Death is used. How to install it? -Download the BigExternals folder from the link below and paste it in …\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns\BigExternals -Link: If...
2 InstallsIt`s a Chinese Vision.And Need Custom Textures All spell names are Chinese. Download The Custom Texture at [] Please visit [] and []for more details This is a collection of 15 auras: 生命球 (progresstexture) 血球美化...
Lao's Monk Mana Pool
3 InstallsSimple Mana Pool Tracker
Combat Sound Silencer
5 InstallsDescription A simple WeakAura that mutes all the terrible combat sounds of your choosing. Pls add my races sounds You can do that yourself because everyone has different preferences, like this: Go to '' and...
Thunder focus tea
6 InstallsMade in Fixka
ISB Timer
6 InstallsSimple WA that shows: - Duration of Ironskin Brew
Monk Trackers (Top)
6 InstallsThis Description here is the same as all the links shown below. ------------------------------- ROTATION HELPER ------------------------------- Mostly optimized rotation helper based on Icyveins with tons of context, tries to keep icons out of your face...
All in 1 Brewmaster WA
5 InstallsDisplays rotational and defensive spells (purifying brew and keg smash glow when at 2 charges, rushing jade wind glows when about to expire). Shows heal, energy and stagger bars (health bar gets highlighted at low...
llamatude - Brewmaster
5 InstallsMy CD cooldown that works for me.. if you want it go for it. I did use as part of this for my stagger bar.
Krv WW - 8.0 BFA Windwalker basic HuD
5 InstallsIt's just an edited version of Prim's WW HuD core : because mine stopped working with the pre-patch. Pretty much just organized things differently and made most icons glow when they are available to...
brm misc
5 Installsrandom uses: provoke(taunt), expel harm, detox // part of my personal WAs for safe storage
Monk Mistweaver - Mouse Tracker - Misc
5 InstallsSee
Terni's WW
5 InstallsTracks, RSK, WDP, FoF and SotW. It greys out abilities on cooldown and highlights them when usable.
Monk || Zirgly UI
5 InstallsTracks everything you need for WW Monk. Currently only for necrolord.
PartyCDs M+
7 InstallsLittle WeakAura I made to track my team's offensives and deffensives duration. I'm aware that some CD's may be missing, I've made this only considering the comps I play with the classes I play. You...
[RU] Armor DR
7 InstallsПоказывает уменьшение урона за счет брони против цели аналогичного игроку уровня (1-я строка) и против текущей цели (2-я строка). Eng. version: Укороченная версия:
Monk: Redfella's Brewmaster Breakpoints
2 Installs18.3.2017: - Fixed the msising % formula.