World of Warcraft
13,256 Mods
Ninja | WW & BrM | Major CD
2 InstallsMajor cooldown monitoring for Shadowland Windwalker Monks & Brewmaster Monks
Monk 2
2 InstallsMonk utility/defensive CDs
Monk Utility PvP
3 InstallsWeak Aura that displays handy square tiles for your mobility / utility ( minus defensives as this is purely movement & covenant usage )
Giawiigi Monk Mistweaver Mainbar 1
3 InstallsHey! I'm Giawiigi and I love healing in WoW. I have and play every healing class every expansion, and I have a very tailored UI and Weak Aura system built for each spec. I thought...
Brewmaster Monk Stagger
3 InstallsDisplays current stagger as well as stagger tick dmg.
Brewmaster Monk 8.2.5 WIP
3 InstallsWorking on some Monk WAs: Mistweaver Monk: Vuhdo
Brewmaster Monk Rotation Aid HUD
3 InstallsLegendary Chest and Shoulders haven't been considered when making the weakaura, I'd need to look into how this changes the rotation and see if it can be implemented. However, BoC is supported and tells you...
kalishnapple's Mistweaver Monk for Shadowlands - part 3 (tools 1)
3 InstallsI share the WA I use for Shadowlands. 4 parts, you can find link below. Regular updates to be fully complete before the official release of SL. Used as a MW Monk for M+ &...
Ws Monk UI - ReM Tracker
3 InstallsThis renewing mist tracker works in conjunction with my MW UI. This weakaura will attach itself to the left-side of my MW UI, and therefore requires the MW UI to be installed first.
Monk Primary
3 InstallsPrimary PvE Monk spells. Utility spells and some buffs spells in "Generic" import:
Mistweaver Weakauras
2 InstallsWeakauras for Mistweaver Edited from Growls Weakauras for Resto Druid and the Reich UI Growl: Reich: I have weakauras for Windwalker and Brewmaster as well as other classes here: Colored bars from...
Grayfeather's WW Monk Weak Auras
2 InstallsNOT MY WEAK AURA, original can be found here: I imported this collection to wago because it's awesome and Grayfeather only had a pastebin link. This weak aura needs to be shared with everyone!...
Lephistos Mistweaver Left Ring
1 InstallsKeep in mind you need Masque addon to make them look round and not sqaure This is a collection of 17 auras: Para Rdy (icon) Para CD (icon) Detox Rdy (icon) Detox CD (icon) Mist...
Brewmaster Hud
2 InstallsThis hud is a bit more complicated, however super clean, and will undergo a Shadowlands overhaul. BrM needs a lot more data than other tanks Top Bar: Ironskin Brew tracker, With Stagger damage count on...
WW Buffs/Timers
2 InstallsHit Combo (Stack Count - Glows @ 6) Blackout Kick! (4pc) (Proc Display - Glows) Touch Of Death (Timer Countdown - w/ adjusted animation) WDP (Usable Display - Glows) FoF (On CD Display) RSK (On...
Windwalker Monk by Zyr
2 InstallsA mix of some WW WAs that I found and that I adapted for my own usage. Though i'd share it.
[MONK] WW bg
1 InstallsWind Walker WA's last spell used backdrop, long series counter, etc. Need to import also: - [MONK] WW main - [MONK] Side
Rev's Monk MW
2 InstallsFull mistweaver monk suite based off of excidias' DH set
[Monk mw] - Rotation
1 InstallsBig buffs cooldowns: Active Buffs: