World of Warcraft
13,253 Mods
Sadzerr Windwalker part 2
3 InstallsThis is a collection of 17 auras: Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane (icon) Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane CD (icon) Revival (icon) Revival CD (icon) Life Cocoon CD (icon) Life Cocoon UP (icon) Chi Wav...
Brewmaster RealUI DEBUFFS
3 InstallsBrewmaster Monk target debuffs tracker for use with RealUI, also see self BUFFS tracker
3 Installs字体素材(FONT): 链接(Link): 提取码(Extraction code):f490 放在(put font in)\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Fonts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wa‘s Plater Profile: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some other wa: !Dungens 怪物内置CD: !Dungens 集市6号boss: !Dungens 控制监视: !Dungens 怨毒: !Dungens 大秘境进度条: !通用 专业团队: Wa's Priest/Paladin HP<20% 牧师/骑士 20%斩杀:...
Mistweaver YinYang UI
3 InstallsBFA Weak Aura group for Mistweaver Monk. Credit to Slootbag for the circle icons. HUD Background (texture) Health (progresstexture) Manas (progresstexture) Talent Row 1 Background (texture) Mist Wrap (icon) Chi Burst (icon) Chi Wave (icon)...
Monk stuff
3 Installsthis is not some super stang weak aura package, just homemade trash
WW & BM ONLY - Luxthos - Monk Cooldowns
3 InstallsCreated by Luxthos
2 InstallsSlimy´s Custom Button to mount up: U can check out the custom options to setup mounts you want to use, where, and when. This Button Weakaura supports left clicks, hotkey, and modifiers. U do not...
Gillixa Cooldown Bars
2 InstallsThis is a collection of 3 auras: Dampen Harm (aurabar) Zen Med (aurabar) Fort Brew (aurabar)
Monk (Brewmaster) • HUD
1 InstallsWIP Brewmaster HUD. It shows you a unit frame (clickable like the Blizzard one), it shows absorb amount, recharging brew charges, an energybar and a normalized staggerbar. There's a castbar overlay on the healthbar, and...
[BFA - 8.0.1] Dio's BrewMaster WA's
2 InstallsComplete Brewmaster "UI", has everything that needs tracking, shows only current talents. Stagger bar is @River 's bar and needs his Brewmaster Tools addon to properly work all props to him for that. Includes: Rushing...
Misty HUD
2 InstallsMistweaver HUD
Kichwas - Monk - Windwalker "Rotation Training Wheels"
2 InstallsThis is one of my 'training wheels' weak aura guides. It will recommend what you should cast next based on where you are in your rotation. It is designed to teach you the basics of...
BrM Defense CDs
2 InstallsBased off of Sunnier's Weak Aura setups. This is a collection of 7 auras: Fortifying Brew Available (icon) Zen Meditation Available (icon) Dampen Harm Available (icon) Healing Elixir Available (icon) Fortifying Brew On Cooldown (icon)...
Brew - Light Brewing - Glow to not overcap
2 InstallsGlow when <= 6s remaining and stacks >= 2 (or 3 with Light Brewing)
Harambaer Monk
1 InstallsBrewosaurus Monk BrM WAs. Required: Information: Tracks all basic offensive and defensive cooldowns. Helpers include saturation on rotational abilities based on the GCD, ISB helper to ensure you don't extend the ISB cap. Generally...
MW CDs and Auras
2 InstallsSmall dynamic group for MW that fits my ElvUI healing profile.
jfunk nick
2 InstallsJ-Funk's Edit of Afenar's Monk WAs
Monje Ghila
2 InstallsUna muy buena wa para dps y heal
2 InstallsVery simple for Monk Chi and Power totals. I run a fairly clean UI and do not like the look of classpower on my player unit frames, nor the energy/power that is usually shown. I...
Rodsley All Healers Top Ability Bar
1 Installs3/4 of my Weak Aura bars used for all healers, includes important abilities for current content.