World of Warcraft
13,250 Mods
Harlan's Loaded Dice / Шулерские кости Харлана (RU)
1 InstallsШулерские кости Харлана триня , ID 155881, ilvl 465
Antorus - Delayed damage impact timers for healers
0 InstallsProvides a text indicator for various mechanics in Antorus, the Burning Throne (AtBT or ABT) that have delayed damage events (not often tracked by boss mods) Not all of the following timers may be fully...
Target Deff CDs up
1 InstallsDisplays every bigger personal/external on your target This is a collection of 20 auras: Fortifying Brew t up (icon) Meta t up (icon) Netherwalk t up (icon) Turtle t up (icon) Bubble t up (icon)...
0 InstallsOn /w Innervate to your boomkin he gets a Innervate Icon on his screen with the Innervate target's name.
Don't outplay your own Tanks! - Your targets selfheal
0 InstallsYour targets Deff CDS up: This is a collection of 7 auras: Frenzied Regen t up (icon) Victory Rush t rdy (icon) t no Death Strike (icon) t Death Strike rdy (icon) t Death...
Dizzy's Digits
1 InstallsA large format text of Health% and Class Power. Inspired by Satrina's Addon, "Digits".
Zandalari regen sounds
1 InstallsWhen Using Zandalari Regeneration racial Zul'jin Hots regen sound play. The sound file can be found on here: Place the sound file in the wow/interface folder, not in the addons folder. The sound for...
Main Power Group
1 InstallsCollection of 10 orbs that serve as a resource bar. Each orb is worth 10% of the maximum resource. Can be used for any resource, but best suited for non-mana resources. Currently set to load...
T21 - Antorus Tank Helper
0 InstallsMinimal tank helper for T21 w/sounds for events Make sure to have co-tank set as focus for most of these to work. **This is still a first pass and is a work in progress. Will...
Concordance Procc Tracker
1 InstallsThis weakaura tracks, how many seconds passed since your last concordance procc.
[BETA] T20 Package
1 InstallsThese T20 Weakauras are in a beta stage. I require testers to leave feedback in the comments here so I can fix whatever bugs come up. Change log ========= Version 3.1 - Bugfixes Version 3...
Macrokiingz - Class: Cooldown Group
1 InstallsShows Cooldown Abilities for all specializations that arn't on Core or Dynamic grp wil show on cooldown here. -Spesific Classes Cooldown Groups- - Warrior: - Paladin: -DK: - Shaman: - Hunter:...
Ark's Monk Bars
1 InstallsThis weakaura pack includes rotational buttons, utility, defensives, and buff bars for Windwalker, Brewmaster, and Mistweaver (not a spec I play so these are untested) monks. Included auras are outline by a green box in...
Mistweaver minimalistic UI
1 InstallsIncluding Kick rotation with and without chiji
Target Globe by D4v3
1 InstallsTarget Health Globe with Castbar & Target ressource
Beast Mastery Hunter CORE
1 InstallsQuazii very minor alteration based on Masque facade used
Kires's Mistweaver Monk Shadowlands
0 InstallsWA for Mistweaver Monk
1 Installs依附默认个人资源的武僧盟约技能cd监视
1 Installs依附默认个人资源的武僧技能监视
Monk Stagger
1 InstallsThis is a straight copy from another Wago WA. Just placing here for ease of locating.