World of Warcraft
13,250 Mods
Healer Mana Notification
261 InstallsCreated by Blaubeere - Destromath Did you ever had the problem that you are almost out of mana and your Tank pulls the next group? Well this Weakaura can help you with that! What is...
Neural Synapse Enhancer
346 InstallsGot this staff, was looking for wa for it, didn't find any so made my own. It tracks the buff, the cooldown and glows when can be used ^^
Clearlyspam Stagger
280 InstallsBasic Stagger Tracker, displays current stagger %, damage taken per tick, and % of health taken per tick. Also shows a outline tracking your current shuffle duration vs the maximum.
X`s Brew Monk Rotation help
191 InstallsEDIT :NGA 一区罗宁联盟 橙丶风暴烈酒
Stagger - text
219 InstallsDamage per second in % of total HP - Total damage left in % of total HP - Total damage left NOTE: this is ONLY TEXT, bar on screenshot is from ElvUI. You can found...
Power Infusion Buff Tracker
306 InstallsTracker for when you have received Power Infusion From a priest and how long you have it. Enjoy Check out my other weak Auras Unbound Changeling: Shaman Shields Tracker:
Sheilun's Gift
203 InstallsTracker for Sheilun's Gift stacks and stack gain timer depening on talent, as well as Shaohaos Lesson buffs, Glows when "optimal" usage
Monk Resources
263 InstallsChi and Energy
Deferred Sentence Trinket
249 InstallsThis weakaura shows you the stacks, icon and the amount of healing its gona do when you move.
Transcendence Reminder
292 InstallsSimple weak aura that reminds you to place transcendence in raids for easy resets :)
220 InstallsWhen using lifecycles this progress bar changes from green to yellow signifying what spell has the current reduced mana cost. (Vivify = green / Enveloping Mist = yellow). Also has a timer showing the current...
Vivify Procc
228 InstallsSimple Popup Weakaura for instant Vivify
Tank Resource and Mitigation Tracker for Healers
249 InstallsTracks the one or two major resources/active mitigations for the different tank specs, making them easily accessible to you, the healer. This WeakAura only loads when you are in a group and on a healing...
Monk Expel Harm Group
266 InstallsThis Shows you when your Expel Harm is Available to use aka your self heal. It will be grayed out when there are no charges are active. It will turn green and display the number...
PWoof's Stagger Tracker
253 InstallsShows stagger as percentage of max health, bar changes color with stagger (light, medium, heavy).
Mindgames on friendly player
292 InstallsThis WA shows if any friendly player in your group has Mind Games on them, so you know to dispel them. Load conditions are healing specs only. Adjust if you want.
Mistweaver - Nolly - Dragonflight
7 InstallsMinimalist weakauras for Mistweaver using a grid layout. Contains a core dynamic group and a left and right dynamic group Credit to Luxthos for the ToD weakaura and Vohrr for the Sheilun/Shaohao weakaura
Monk Buffs
233 InstallsHit Combo buff tracker
Monk - Mistweaver
160 InstallsAn all in one Mistweaver Hud created from Donmoreti's Aura but updated for BFA and tweaked a bit List of Auras: Low Mana!! (texture) Renewing Mist (aurabar) Renewing Mist Bar (model) Essence Font (aurabar)...
246 InstallsWorking as 04/09/2020 Mythic description => Equip: Your spells and abilities have a chance to infuse you with vita, increasing your Haste by 1675 and your party members' Haste by 295. Lasts 15 sec. Vita...