World of Warcraft
13,250 Mods
Elemental Lariat Neck Buff | Elementarschleife Buff Tracker
322 InstallsNeck Buff Tracker All Procs included ! Elementarschleife Buff Tracker Alle Procs inbegriffen !
Second Power (Combo Points, Soul Shards, Chi, Holy Power, Arcane Charges, Runes)
201 InstallsA WeakAura to show the secondpowers (Combo Points, Soul Shards, Chi, Holy Power, Arcane Charges) of linked classes. Default power colors are taken from Colors of the bar can be configured in the Custom...
Ashvane's Razor Coral - Bug Alert
211 InstallsOccasionally, the Ashvane's Razor Coral Trinket will "bug" and not generate any stacks until you recast it. This WeakAura alerts you when this has probably happened by telling you that it is bugged if you...
Yosiwongs Cursor
150 InstallsProvides a circle that follows your cursor, with GCD tracker built in.
TRINKET Soleah DEUTSCH So'leahs Geheimtechnik
288 InstallsKlickbare Weakaura. Anzeige SOLEAH TRINKET mittig, wenn Buff fehlt - Nur in Gruppe/Raid - Nur wenn Trinket angelegt Anzeige Rebuff bevor Trinket Buff ausläuft - auch hier einfach WA klicken
M+ Healer Focus Assist - DF Season 1
159 InstallsDF Season 2 version Found Here: Puts a combination of red and orange glow effects on party/ raid frames to quickly draw a healer's attention to priority damage targets. -A red glow indicates a...
Healer Mana in Raids (updated with total)
175 Installs--original from (Unknown original author) --modified by Cm@Zenedar-EU to have a total %age of healer mana remaining --changed alignment to show value first, then healer name --only works in raid groups
Castle Nathria - Burst healing timers
227 InstallsHere is a tweak of Buds fabulous WA designed for disc priest spirit shell build. Other specs might work aswell but i've got no way to verify it. I've tried to make the disc burst...
Dragonflight Seaoson 1 Healer Ramp Timers
168 Installsshows an icon ~15 sec before most major damage events to help time ramps or whatever works with bigwigs.
Renewing Mist Tracker (Circular)
237 InstallsTracks active Renewing Mists, and the timer on the shortest duration one.
Monk Auras - Shadowlands
204 InstallsThis is a SHADOWLANDS set of Monk auras for all specs. Preview: The preview is made up of the following auras: Monk 1: Monk 2: Monk 3: Monk Auras:
Trinkets tracker BfA 8.0.1
200 InstallsTracks BfA trinkets (with stat giving actives/procs), both their uptime and cooldown. If there is a trinket with a proc which gives a buff and it's not tracked, you can simply add it in the...
Dispel Failed Alert
237 InstallsAlerts (by showing a text and playing a sound) when you try to dispel a friendly target (a healer's dispel) and cast the spell, but it didn't dispel anything, so you can cast it again....
Enemy Castbar (Interrupt)
241 InstallsFork of that works in 8.0 with a somewhat different look and feel. Green: Spell is interruptible Orange: Spell is interruptible (Interupt spell on CD) Red: Spell is not interruptible. If your interrupt spell...
not healing things | Monk
75 InstallsMade to be used with ElvUI Profile: Discord for questions, don’t use the comments section please. _________________________________________________________ WeakAuras Needed: not healing things | General DPS \ Tank Optional: General Stuff DPS\Tank: Class Auras •...
Conjured Chillglobe
318 InstallsShows DMG/Mana use
Essence Font Target count r3
152 InstallsShows an icon & count of viable (injured and within 25 yards) Essence Font targets when the number is above 6. Default values can be customised - see comments at the top of the custom...
Brewmaster Base Group
31 InstallsContains icons to track stagger, showing level of stagger, time remaining and number of stagger. An icon to track purified Chi stacks, showing stacks with time remaining, and a celestial brew icon showing how big...
Invoke Chi-Ji, The Red Crane
107 InstallsShows an icon with the duration your Chi-Ji is still active.
Celestial Brew
189 InstallsTop Bar: While CB is active, shows a green bar with shield size. When this is close to timing out, it turns ORANGE. When shield is not active, shows the cooldown of CB. Turns yellow...