World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
EF Range Tracker
1.3k InstallsChecks to see how many hurt people are within 30 yards of you. If less than 6 people are hurt then it will be gray but once 6 or more people are hurt it will...
Abby's CC Group Tracker
1.1k InstallsThis is a modified version of Translit's CC Group, edited and reskinned for my needs. This WeakAura tracks when any CC is applied and shows a countdown bar until the CC is about to expire....
Stats (Agility/Crit/Haste/Mastery/Versatility)
666 InstallsIt displays your stats in real time
RJW Range Tracker
1.2k InstallsBased off Raysere's Essence Font Range Tracker, this WA tracks injured targets around you that would fit inside RJW's AoE effect.
Renewing Mist reminder
1.1k InstallsRenewing mist will glow when has 2 charges up, then when all 2 chargers been used it dissapear from screen, that way its like a big reminder that u gotta keep your hot rolling :)
Mistweaver textures (no worries they don't all show up at the same time)
634 InstallsUpdated with Kyrian covenant ability, Chi-Ji and Yu'lon duration, removed Mark of the Crane (i cri). The EF + RJW scripts have been updated. I use these textures in combination with the following other weakaura...
NotUI - Monk - Dragonflight
282 Installs****PLEASE READ**** Ready for 10.1 - Season 2 Dragonflight Join my Discord server for help/feedback: If You want to support my work: Customizable pack - Most options are in "Custom Options" tab, if You...
RJW Range Tracker
1.3k InstallsChecks to see how many hurt people are within 10 yards of you and glows once there is 6 or more.
Jade Serpent Statue Tracker
1.1k InstallsThis is an All-in-One weak aura that tries to answer common questions about the Jade Serpent Statue. Is the statue up? Is it channeling? How much time is remaining on its channel? Who it is...
Touch of Death Execute Killrange
1.7k InstallsChecks if your targets current hp is smaller than your maximum health. When ToD is off cooldown it will show a reminder in the middle of the screen so you can comfortably press it to...
Purified amount
744 InstallsShows the amount of damage you purified on use.
Mistweaver Monk BfA 8.0.1
1.1k InstallsOther classes and specs can be found at Renewing Mist BG (aurabar) Renewing Mist Front (aurabar) Renewing Mist Progress (aurabar) Renewing Mist BG 2 (aurabar) Renewing Mist Front 2 (aurabar) Renewing Mist Progress 2...
Doctorio [MONK] Windwalker
738 InstallsCustomizable You can customize this WeakAura Package to your liking by moving the bars. Dynamic All playstyles are supportet. Activatable trinkets are tracked. All Talents are dynamically added. Lightweight Almost no custom LUA codes so...
Hide Default Castbar
732 InstallsSimple Weak Aura that hides the Blizzard Default Castbar
Doctorio [MONK] Mistweaver
507 InstallsCustomizable You can customize this WeakAura Package to your liking by moving the bars. Dynamic All playstyles are supportet. Activatable trinkets are tracked. All Talents are dynamically added. Lightweight Almost no custom LUA codes so...
Nufin -Bursting Affix
908 InstallsAdded for new Mythic + Affix - Bursting Icon with Stacks.
Celestial Brew
1.6k InstallsShows stacks of Purified Chi and remaining absorb on Celestial Brew Purified Chi: Top Edge - remaining time on buff; Bottom Inner Right - total stack Celestial Brew: Top Edge - remaining absorb; Bottom Inner...
Don't Release
1.8k InstallsThere are several "do not release" plugins out there, sadly I didn't find them to suit my needs - so I made this one! What makes this one unique? It re-uses the release dialog and...
Stagger Indicator for healers
1.7k InstallsStagger indicator of brewmaster's stagger status for healers , with changing color and damage value of stagger. Made for m+ healing, will show only in 5man dungeon with brew tank. Only includes the stagger indicator,...
Covenant Abilities
1.2k InstallsIf any changes occur, we will update this weakaura continuously This is a Weakaura for every Covenant, for every Class. It shows the icon of your Covenant ability. Saturated when the spell is ready, desatured...