World of Warcraft
13,273 Mods
Grumpy's Mistweaver Rotation
11 InstallsSince there is NO weak aura that did what I wanted, I made one myself. I use Spirit of the Crane and Refresing Jade Wind. It is a Misweaver DPS/Healing rotation helper for within Flex/Mythic...
ou BfA tank debuffs
9 InstallsMost of the configured icons are dungeon debuffs. Ones from raids have the prefix "tdr", you can disable those if you don't want them. Currently has most of the important auras, but I will be...
SDP - External Cooldowns
9 InstallsThis weakaura shows you when another player in your raid or party casts a cooldown or large spell on you. Do you want to know when the paladin uses Lay on Hands on you, the...
Compact hp and resource bars
7 Installsall specs/classes
External CDs (Tank)
10 InstallsThis is a collection of 11 auras: BoP (icon) MA (icon) Rally (icon) Roar (icon) Roar mine (icon) Pain Suppression (icon) Sacrifice (icon) Ironbark (icon) Spirit (icon) Cocoon (icon) Safeguard (icon)
Normalized Stagger 2 Slands
8 InstallsWritten by Rivers#8800.
X`s MarkOfCrane-Nameplate
8 InstallsMarkOfCrane-Nameplate (aurabar) Coded By:
RJW Range Tracker with CD
8 InstallsEdited version of Garg's RJW Tracker this includes the CD of the spell.
BoC Usage
2 InstallsJust a little something to show you what you're using the Blackout Combo buff on.
Babylonius - Mistweaver Monk Group
9 InstallsThis is the WA group that I'd use if I ever play MW, which is unlikely, but hey… who needs sleep. Best if used with my ElvUI: and my MW Active Aura Group:
7 Installsfork of @Xion added/changed : - added gcd on icons - added blackout kick (+glow on free proc) - RSK / FoF / WDP desaturate when not usable - changed texture - added 50...
Halo with people in range
11 InstallsThis is a Halo Weak aura that checks how many people are in your range. You can edit it your own way for other spells such as tranq, Healing tide etc. -Original WA made by...
!Brewmaster Main
11 InstallsThis is a collection of 22 auras: Blackout Combo Not Active (icon) Blackout Combo (icon) Blackout Strike CD (icon) Blackout Strike (icon) Exploding Keg CD (icon) Exploding Keg (icon) Keg Smash CD (icon) Keg Smash...
Brewmaster Monk Covenant abilities
11 InstallsIcons covering the covenant abilities for Brewmaster monks. Everything except Kyrian/Weapons of Order should work just fine for the other specs as well.
Windwalker Monk 8.0
11 InstallsFull Windwalker weakaura group for Battle For Azeroth, with all talent options.
Dead - I should go back to kitchen
9 InstallsWhenever you die, this message will appear in your front screen :P
Player Resources Warnings
12 InstallsLow Health and Mana Alerts Features: Low Health Warning Voice Emote to call out for healing when near death Low Mana Warning Voice Emote for Out of Mana Text Emotes for low an full Mana...
Rickay's **All Toons
10 InstallsRestoration Shaman Main Bar 2: Restoration Shaman Main Bar 1: Restoration Shaman CD Bar: Restoration Shaman Misc Bar: Restoration Shaman Misc: ElvUi Profile: Cooldowns Active: Procs: All...
Brewmaster Weakauras
10 InstallsWeakauras for Brewmaster Edited from Growls Weakauras for Resto Druid and the Reich UI Growl: Reich: I have weakauras for Windwalker and Mistweaver as well as other classes here: Colored bars from...
6 InstallsReminder for Essence font usage, Renewing Mist Usage and a Lifecycles or ManaTea Tracker. So the circular blue runes indicate the essence font is up and ready to use. then renewing mist in middle etc....