World of Warcraft
13,273 Mods
Parse Predicter: Normal Sanctum of Domination
11 InstallsNote: I will not be updating normal numbers, you will have to do it if you want to stay up-to-date. Heroic version: Mythic version: Numbers are specifically for Shadow Priest. Note: if you...
Bless Online "Beta" Unit Frame /w Class Icons
6 InstallsA simple and inspired Unit Frame from Bless Online "Beta" • Displays Class Icon • Displays Role Icons • Displays Player Level • Displays Combat Icon • Displays Player Power • Displays Player Health •...
Mistweaver Cursor Circles
10 Installsindicator circles: Global Cooldown - white Spell Cast - classcolor Mana Tea - blue Velen's Future Sight - yellow velen (progresstexture) mana tea (progresstexture) cast time (progresstexture) gcd (progresstexture)
Brewmaster Tiger Paws Allowed
10 InstallsShows how many TigerPaws you have resources for before you would not be able to use Keg Smash off CD. - 12/06/18: Code to prevent small variance affecting result.
Ironskin Alarm
10 InstallsPlay an alarm sound when ISB hits 4 seconds left on its duration. Only sounds in group content, to prevent dinging you to death during WQs.
Vandery MW [MAIN]
10 InstallsThe main bar for the WA I use on my MW monk. Supports: all tier 1, 2, 4, 5 and Chi-Ji, RJW, Focused Thunder. Tier 3 doesn't affect this WA at all. Comes with Velen...
Ironskin Brew + Blackout Combo
10 InstallsDisplays an icon for 3sec after Ironskin Brew has been used while Blackout Combo is up.
Brewmaster Monk
8 InstallsNumerous improvements on the excellent Ipse's Weak Auras ( Primary modifications include: - Resizing icons and reordering of all icons - Includes several missing cooldowns including: - Spear Hand Strike - Zen Meditation - Paralysis...
Xkara Monk Weakaura
11 InstallsThis Weakaura contains my set for playing Monk. I tried to completely replace my Actionsbars with this set and I am quite happy with the result. I also added a custom Option to handle Throttle...
Coryn's Last Hit Combo Spell
9 InstallsShows the last spell used as an icon to help avoid dropping Hit Combo stacks
Monk brew charges count
10 InstallsCooldown count for Monk brew charges. Adjusts for 3/4 charges based on light brewing talent. Glows all icons green when ISB duration is over 14s to avoid wasting charges, and red when ISB duration is...
Efficient Monk ISB Bar w/ Light Brewing
7 InstallsThis is a simple Monk Ironskin Brew bar that displays the charges of ISB as well as their cooldown. Features: -- Minimal footprint. Uses only 4 auras (not including background texture and timer) to display...
Sheilun's Gift
7 InstallsIcon showing stacks of Sheilun's Gift.
Whirling Dragon Punch 2.0 W/ Hit Combo Display
7 InstallsHit Combo - Stack/Timer Display (with adjusted animation on stack count-glows at 6) WDP - Usable Alert FoF - On CD Display RSK - On CD Display
ISB Tracking
11 InstallsTracks the ISB buff with a bar that changes color based on remaining duration. This is a collection of 3 auras: ISB Tracking Icon (icon) ISB Tracking Missing (icon) ISB Tracking (aurabar)
Brewmaster Stagger and Defensives
11 InstallsShuffle (show how long shuffle will last currently), Healing Elixir (stacks available), Stagger (light, medium, heavy icon, percent health staggered), Purifying Brew (stacks available), Celestial Brew (with radial cooldown) Stagger from
Monk Defensives
11 InstallsTimer for defensive buffs
Monk - Brewmaster
11 InstallsThis weak aura consists of multiple other weak auras. The import order is relevant for it to work properly. 1. Import the Ressource Bar (this one: 2. Import the Offensive Spell Bar ( 3....
Cuterae's Brewmaster WA (updated to 9.0)
11 InstallsThis is Cuterae's Brewmaster Monk WA
RJW Duration
11 InstallsA small horizontal bar to track Rushing Jade Wind duration.