World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
Danse Macabre Helper
304 InstallsThis weakaura shows an animated arrow to where you need to move during the Danse Macabre section of the fight. WARNING Currently this only works with EN clients!
3. Nathria offtank debuffs
289 InstallsSet of tank weakauras for Castle Nathria showing debuffs on the offtank or boss, some of them giving sound warnings when to taunt Show stacks in the top edge of the icon, the name of...
<Pescorus> Chain Slam BoP (glow)
279 InstallsGlows the raid frame of the Chain Slam target's partner. Useful for Chain Slams 4 and 5, which you typically BoP and break. Configurable to only show on specific Chain Slams in custom options.
DU - Sire Denathrius Time to Transition
381 InstallsModified from https://wago.io/TimeToDie Shows a Time to Die countdown for 70.5% on Sire Denathrius. Text will change color to red sub 10 seconds
Castle Nathria - 05 - Hungering Destroyer - Essence Sap - Raid Stacks
341 InstallsShows stacks per player for Essence Sap, as well players without a stack. Sorted by time until expiration, but the number is the number of stacks, not time remaining.
T27 - 05 - Hungering Destroyer Volatile Ejection
327 InstallsShows a glowing icon with "RUN OUT" in red underneath and plays the Phone Ringing sound once you are targeted by the beam.
366 InstallsShows the text "CLEAN STACKS" when you have the bleed and Crystalize is being cast.
T27 10 Impale order
345 InstallsShow impale target where to stand. 꿰뚫기 대상자가 어디 설지 보여줍니다. 가능하면 공대원 모두 사용하는게 좋음
Meow at Prespread
312 InstallsMeows when to pre-spread for seismic shift on sludgefist. Works with DBM and Big Wigs timers so it's always correct.
Castle Nathria Item Generator
489 InstallsSimc String Generator for Castle Nathria Chat command /sgen after import to use The intention behind this WeakAuras is to make it easier for you as a player to sim whatever items you want. It's...
Healer LoS (corrigé)
180 InstallsEnable icon if your party's healer is not in range of a flash heal. Works in dungeon/raid/thorgast
Don't Release
797 InstallsAura removes the release button if there are ressurections available. Can release by holding ctrl for two seconds.
PiMe - Power Infusion caller
1.8k InstallsShadowlands Support Reacts on chat-whisper with "pime" or "pi!" and response to player. (not case-sensitive) - Raidframe GLOW! - Recieve whisper with "pime"/"pi!" will display the "requester" and notifies with a sound (on Master-Channel). -...
[TDC] Hungering Destroyer Miasma Groups
255 InstallsShows the current miasma target for each soak group and all the players within these group with their stacks This is based on our gilds group assigments: {Star} = G1 {Circle} = G2 {Diamond} =...
301 Installs*Updated for Shadowlands* - added the new drums! Whether your mage clicks Time Warp, or your hunter uses the quiet Netherwinds (that no one can ever hear), you can tell that lust is up and...
Meow at Afterimage of Baroness Frieda
307 InstallsDoes the long loud meow when Afterimage appears, with a large visual graphic of text saying 'Afterimage Up'. This is better used with an interrupt nameplate order, as this is just announcing the add is...
Attendant - Council of Blood - CN
303 InstallsThis weak aura triggers when the boss is summoning a Dutiful Attendant and lets you know when it is spawned
SLG Commando shell - Nnoggie Style
266 InstallsCommando shell duration texture with swipe animation, inspired by nnoggie.
9.2.7 - FATED - Raid Trinket Info + Covenant
963 InstallsChange Log: + Edited by potat0nerd to work for those who don't have old ERT files Modified version of an existing weakaura to support further patches of shadowlands. All original code was done by Translit...
10 Sire - March of the Penitent
259 InstallsDisplays timer for when boss is casting March of the Penitent, meaning you MUST use a movement ability prior to this completing. Currently enabled for Shaman (ghost wolf) and Paladin (Freedom)