World of Warcraft
13,248 Mods
Huntsman imunity soak
186 InstallsIf possible assigns 2 imunities to soak sinseeker (changeable 'Custom Options'). Plays an airhorn sound if you are assigned (changeable 'Conditions'). Notes: - Ignores 1 initial wave (changeable 'Custom Options') - Orders by position in...
Darkmoon Deck: Putrescence
727 Installsdarkmoon deck, colorized crit percentage info, cooldown tracking / Колода карт новолуния "Гниение" размер крита, цветовая дифференциация, отслеживание кулдауна
Dancing Fever - Mythic Council of Blood
236 InstallsActivates on Mythic Council of Blood when you have stacks of Dancing Fever.
Seriously Sun King's Salvation Mythic
200 InstallsSimple WAs to help with this fight
Afterimage Freida
243 InstallsRanged interrupt notification for Afterimage Freida's volley on mythic Council of Blood.
Stone Legion Generals Focus Gateway Reminder
204 InstallsShows text on readycheck for 15 seconds if you have no focus target (or you're not focusing a warlock gateway). Use this macro to focus the gateway: /focus [@mouseover,exists][] Edit of
Stone Legion Generals - Wicked Laceration
211 InstallsShows all raid members with Wicked Laceration debuff
Fated Affix Bars
558 Installs>>> Double Affixes have sadly broken this WA and I dont care enough right now to properly fix it. My bad ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Bar Setups for every Fated raid affix showing: - Timer for next affix...
Gluttonous Miasma Health Tracker
213 InstallsI've noted minor performance issues from this WeakAura, but given that this tier is over I do not plan to make adjustments. Displays the current health percentage and raid marker for Gluttonous Miasma targets NOTE...
6 Lady Inerva Darkvein - Add Say
178 Installssends say message if tank add or interrupt add will spawn from you disable bigwigs or dbm say mesages
Sun King Shield Timer based on BigWigs timers
156 InstallsThis requires BigWigs to work. It will show an extra bar and play the "beware" sound 12 seconds ahead of the damage and heal shields.
Anima Orb Reminder - Stonelegion Generals
199 InstallsReminds you to return to Renathal during the Stonelegion General fight. And will reward you for doing so with a small morale boost :)
PhoGuild - Raid Ability Timeline
829 InstallsMade by: Bosmutus - Zul'jin(US)
174 InstallsShows text and makes a bike horn sound when there are essence fonts to heal
Request Innervate (clickable)
348 InstallsTracks the Innervate cooldown for all Balance/Resto druids in your group. Upon clicking the frame, whispers them "Innervate me" (or any other phrase as specified in custom options). Custom options For the grant part of...
T27: 0 Trash WAs xD
372 InstallsPlease keep in mind this is beta and WAs will need testing. Updates will come. Raid Frame Highlights Brown - DON'T HEAL Yellow - Heal Green - Assassinate (BoP/Immunie to save - 1 shot ability)...
Sludgefist Empyreal Ordnance Alert
644 InstallsShow the Empyreal Ordnance icon when sludgefist is about to charge to have the perfect uptime of EO when he takes +DMG
Stone Legion Generals - Crystalize Target Raid Frame Glow
191 InstallsShows a glow on unit frames for crystalize target. Can modify the appearance for it within the Actions tab.
Hungering Destroyer - Tell the next one to soak
158 InstallsDisplays "Soak next" after recieving a Whisper Message with the words "Next!" in it. Used if you want to coordinate soaking Cluttonous Miasma on Mythic Hungering Destroyer. Sound only works with SharedMedia_Causese Addon Macro...
GlowOnDemand Hungering Destroyer
180 InstallsGlows the raid frames of unhealable players affected by Gluttonous Miasma. Uses asakawa's