World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
92 InstallsShow Stone Legion Goliath HP bar, stacks when in stone form, Time to form(based TTD WA) and TTD when in stone form.
545 InstallsOn screen reminder to not release after dying to either get brez'd or after a raid wipe so you dont have to run back if someone has a SS. With confirmation window so you have...
Castle Nathria - 9. Stone Legion Generals
83 InstallsCastle Nathria - Stone Legion Generals (N/H/M) An English translation and slight edit of the dnnsGT German auras, split per boss I strongly recommend getting Reloe's auras for Mythic: https://wago.io/GtuQCwZ2- https://wago.io/kJFQFy0V8 https://wago.io/HcLsyDhV7 https://wago.io/cUe1XBhBn https://wago.io/3QlvireF3 You...
M10 戴納瑟斯王 中文
101 Installs收集美服、歐服wa後翻譯的組合包 主要翻譯自 https://wago.io/ITD--gnjT P3跑位須配合同個光柱放球 另外可搭配WA 1.M10 戴納瑟斯王 P2大怪小怪血量 https://wago.io/DZA15FKCC 2.P2刺穿站位 https://wago.io/du2e7gKVF
Ghost Wolf Reminder
554 InstallsDisplays an icon and plays audio to remind you to shift into Ghost Wolf before the Sire Denathrius phase change.
Priest - Sfiend/Mindbender /w Shadowflame Prism Legendary (SFP)
421 InstallsThis Weakaura will include casts of Shadow Word: Death & Mindblast to the fickle WA2 timer with Mindbender/Shadowfiend. Very helpful for min/max'ing your SFP windows. This is a Fork of Moen's SFP tracker written in...
Livez SL S4 Fated Raid Pack
176 InstallsThis WA pack contains bars and alerts for the 4 Shadowlands Season 4 Raid Affixes. The pack contains announcers that you can disable in the Text Group that identify who clicked the orb, purged the...
Essence Sap Group Tracker
94 InstallsMade by Muqt - TwistingNether. You can watch his stream at: https://www.twitch.tv/muqtwow A weakaura that tracks the Essence Sap debuff of the other members in your group.
Sire Mythic P3 - Seeds & Positioning
149 InstallsThis prompts you with where to drop seeds based on a specified 6 marker setup. This will also indicate where to stand for baiting Ravage, and where to dodge to for both melee & ranged....
NIGHTFAE: Podtender Announce
364 InstallsShows an icon while the nightfae cheat death "Podtender" is active, plays a sound and announces per /yell that the player has procced its podtender. Currently only activates in raid and dungeon environments, but can...
Castle Nathria - 4. Lady Inerva Darkvein
83 InstallsCastle Nathria - Lady Inerva Darkvein (N/H/M) An English translation and slight edit of the dnnsGT German auras, split per boss Also includes the following auras: https://wago.io/ConcentratedAnima (Freedom Assignments) https://wago.io/aM-Z6c1kx (Immune Adds) You can check...
나스 10넴 - 대영주 데나트리우스
88 Installs한글화 및 추가작업 (아즈샤라 - Desrun) 12/20 치명적인 기교 알림 거리체크 추가 01/08 점증 바닥피하기 수정 나스리아 성채 한글 위크오라 모음 https://wago.io/p/humedia
Reflectable Spells Tracker SL
339 InstallsThis Weak Aura was originally uploaded by Marok (v2.3.0) I only adapted it with the Shadowlands dungeon and raid spells base don the Spell Reflection Spreadsheet by Sense original decription still stands : This WeakAura...
Clear Bleed Idiot
91 InstallsGong Alert + Text if you have bleed + meteor inc
Lady Inerva Darkvein: Shared Suffering
81 InstallsText add that says who has Shared Suffering in Chat *Turn on Chat Bubbles for better use*
Decency -- SLG -- Commando
84 InstallsShows Icon on nameplate at 30% Goliath HP, icon glows and says "Kill!" when a 20% or below.
04 태양왕 - 수호
77 Installs태양왕 수호 영혼 버프
fight timer reminder
162 InstallsA simple weakaura to show text at specific time into the fight. Can be adjusted in the following way: 1. Go to "Custom Options" on top; 2. Under "Display duration (s)" enter how long you...
Seriously Huntsman Mythic
70 InstallsSimple WAs to help with this fight on Mythic difficulty!
CN Hungering - Essence Sap
83 InstallsShows your personal Essence Sap debuff, which you get from soaking miasma. Icon is gray when the stacks have fallen off. Based on https://wago.io/Nathria