World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
Consumptive Infusion
1 InstallsThis group tracks the cooldown of the Consumptive Infusion trinket. Warning: This is not localized and uses EN text for buff and debuff detection. 1. DPS: This desaturated icon will tell you when the trinket...
R:7 Dark Recital
0 InstallsTyrânts - Twisting Nether WA's -> *Some of the weak auras in this list do not belong to me and their original links are in the information section of weak aura. It was created...
Bossframe Max Range Check
0 InstallsOverlays a range tracker for all boss ui frames.
Idol of Yogg-Saron
1 InstallsCount Shadowy Apparition on hit. Refreshes at 100 count. Makes chicken sound at 90 count.
Hunstman Soaking assign
0 InstallsAssigns 3 people per Sinseeker automatically based on raid position (3 per arrow so 9 for each total cast) To change number of total soakers edit line: and (#aura_env.soaker <= 9) to total number split...
Bron's Calling!
1 InstallsA little fun weak Aura providing info on when Bron will spawn, and interrupt the fight. At 60 stacks of the buff a little Magni will appear, at 70 stacks, you'll hear, a cocking gun...
Sludgefist Energy Charge (LHaxorP)
0 InstallsDisplays a Warning and plays sound when Sludgfist reaches 96 energy ***~2 secs before he starts the charge cast and for most will be 5 secs before the pillar hit*** [Can be changed in the...
Hungering Destroyer Gluttonous Miasma Chat Announcer
0 InstallsFork of Gluttonous Miasma Chat Announcer by Causese v1.0.4. When you have Gluttonous Miasma, this WA will yell your health PLUS and shield amount. e.g. with 76% health and 24% of your max hp in...
SLG - Debuff Reminders
0 InstallsDebuff reminders that attach to an elvui HP frame, You can attach them to other places or make it free float by playing with the group > position settings > 'anchored to' setting
SLG - Upheaval Dance
0 InstallsJust an edit of reloes WA but with a bigger arrow for my dingus raiders
1 Installs수사 혼너용 타임바입니다. 빨간색에서 파란색으로 변하면 작업시작했을때 거의 맞도록 작업되어있습니다. 공찾-신화까지 변경점이 적용되어 있습니다. 기술명 우측의 시간은 혼너 25초를 기준으로 최대 효율이 날 수 있는 시점을 역산하여 계산한 시작시간, 곧 파란색으로 강조되는 시점이므로, 저 시간...
Mythic Sire Denathrius Fatal Finesse
0 InstallsWeakauras for phase 3 of Sire. They primarily display which mark to go to and they change whether you need to drop an orb or to soak an orb. They display this information both before...
Denathrius - Crescendo
0 InstallsWarning for crescendo swirlies.
Sire P3 Mrgrlgrlgrl Teleprompter
0 InstallsI've edited Cheese's teleprompter WA to fit our marks. They're the same marks as the ones in the picture. Thank you to Butta from for sharing their WA, allowing me to further edit it to...
Кровавая цена/Blood price
0 InstallsBlood price denatrius mythic
ЗН - Спавны+Касты
0 InstallsДобавляет спавн через крик (сообщение над игроками) - На Разрушителе спамит в чат через крик миазмы (только те у кого ХП 50% и меньше) - На Кельтасе спамит через крик что в данный момент игрок...
R:6 Inerva Interrupt Order
0 InstallsTyrânts - Twisting Nether WA's -> *Some of the weak auras in this list do not belong to me and their original links are in the information section of weak aura. It was created...
Raid » Lady Darkvein Hidden Desire Lines
0 InstallsMakes a lovely line on Mythic if you are tagged as a tank when you have the Hidden Desires debuff. Currently testing so feel free to comment if you have issues.
Artificer Xy'mox Phase Checks v2
0 InstallsAdds sounds to phase check for 80/60%
Seismic Shift Prespread Text & Sound
0 InstallsTwelve (12) second timer before Seismic Shift deals damage. Meows when timer countdown begins.