World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
08 Chain Link [Алё]
0 InstallsПоказываются только рэнж пары
Sludgefist BOP warning
0 InstallsWarns your ranged that they've been bopped so they dont just stand there casting away like a goose.
@Insanity: Castle Nathria
0 InstallsTodas las WA de Castle Nathria.
Miasma too high
0 InstallsFor Mythic Hungering Destroyer. Show a popup and /p chat the user (in raid, so nobody else sees it) that Miasma stacks are too high if >=20 stacks. Can configure number of stacks under Trigger...
Hungering - Power
0 InstallsShows Hungering Destroyer's power as a percentage once he reaches 80. This is used primarily to predict Consume, as around 90 he will cast a final Volatile Ejection, then at 100 will cast Consume.
09 Generals WA's for dummies but BIGGER
0 InstallsWA's from and made bigger and with some added elements incase ur raiders are slow :)
Heart Rend Tracker Group
0 InstallsAdds progress bars to each Heart Rend/ Heart Hemorrhage debuff and glows if the unit has wicked laceration applied.
Council - Spirit-Link
0 InstallsWenn der Spieler beim Boss "Der Rat des Blutes" in der Raid-Instanz "Schloss Nathria" im Spirit-Link steht, erscheint das Spirit-Link Icon auf dem Bildschirm. Zusätzlich wird ein "Coffindance" Soundfile abgespielt. Soundfile zum abspielen unter folgendem...
Stavros Afterimage Voice Line on Dark Recital
0 InstallsPlays the Stavros voice line for Dark Recital when he's an afterimage
Castle Nathria - 7. Council of Blood
0 Installsweakaura I found and edited positioning and removed clutter.
0 InstallsT27 HAMMERTIME
Nathria 1.0
0 Installssome extra, useful things for castle nathria (:
HD - Boss Phasing
0 InstallsProvides phasing support for ERT notes
Clickable Vantus Reminder(凡图斯可点击图标)
0 Installsonly shows in the battle of the final boss of the three raids in shadowlands 只在9.0三本的尾王生效
10 Sire P3 Cheese Teleprompter (English) (Updated to Stankie Guide Markers)
0 InstallsAdapted from the original here: Many thanks to Chee5e for making this WA and also a big thanks to Stankie for his guide. I believe we made 1 change to the movement and it's...
stay near mirror for impale
0 InstallsWA to remind you to stay at the mirror after hand of destruction
0 Installs從 拿來改的, 將P3走位部分分割出來,方便更改 P3走位請洽 另外可搭配WA 1.M10 戴納瑟斯王 P2大怪小怪血量 2.P2刺穿站位
Sire Mythic P3 - Seeds & Positioning
0 InstallsThis prompts you with where to drop seeds based on a specified 6 marker setup. This will also indicate where to stand for baiting Ravage, and where to dodge to for both melee & ranged....
Hand of Destruction Bar
0 InstallsStandalone bar for Hand of Destrucion cast pulled from sinforlife's pack:
Wracking Pain on me
0 InstallsSire Denathrius, wracking pain debuff