World of Warcraft
13,251 Mods
KT Bandages
3 InstallsReminds you to use bandages in the KT fight which tends to be chaotic and there is plenty of AoE damage.
9 Installsicon with timer when epiphany procs. I found a wa similar to this for darkmoon blue dragon card and decided to make this. let me know if there's any issues since this is my first...
Frost Wing - Frost Resistance Totem
7 InstallsFrR Totem reminder for Frost Wing
KT Mind Control
3 InstallsPlays a sound and displays a message when KT wipes threat due to Mind Control
Naxx - KT Abilities Optional
3 InstallsBased on But allows you to choose which abilities you want displayed in custom options.
Instance and Badge Tracker (RU)
2 InstallsTranslation of this All credit to
ALL PI CD Timers - Reworked
8 InstallsThis is not my custom code, it is only a modified version of another WA.
Loatheb Consumables Timer
3 InstallsLoatheb for Dummies.
Loatheb Item Equip Reminder
3 InstallsSimple WA that shows a Message for 10 Seconds after killing Heigan the Unclean. Standard Message is "EQUIP CHICKEN + GRIMOIRE" but can be changed to your liking.
3 Installs3 simple bars showing threat, mana and health. the threat bar blinks when you are about to get aggro and changes color depending on you threat. its only showen in fights.
Big Boy Bar [Boss HP Bar]
5 InstallsDisplays a Huge HP Bar during Boss Battles. Kill Timer added as well [Credits: teebs ""] Added Raid DPS Bar/ Indicator [Credits : RisenRaidDps ""] To test how it looks: Horde can target Overlord...
Classic Auto Marker (Mega's Naxx Edit)
4 InstallsFork of the great Classic Auto Marker WeakAura with usability added for Naxx. See for the original!
Thaddius Polarity Shift 5s timer
1 InstallsShows an icon with a 5s timer after Polarity Shift has been cast by Thaddius. This is useful to know because it takes 5s after the Polarity Shift cast for your character to gain the...
Mind Control on Instructor
6 InstallsProvides 4 clickable icons for this fight. The main one is a MC-icon that will glow red if target is out of range, and will glow green if target is in range. The other 3...
Auto Set Master Looter Threshold Common
6 InstallsSets loot config to master looter when you convert from party to raid.
Dancing Queen
2 InstallsPlays "Dancing Queen" by ABBA during the p2 dance phase against Heigan. FIRST: You must download the song and put it in C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_classic_ To adjust volume - turn down music channel...
Sicknature SwingTimer (Badjoke edit)
5 InstallsQuick edit of BadJoke's SwingTimer, all credit goes to him. Slightly changed the look to fit my UI, as well as added an icon for non-queued weapon swings. This will display Heroic Strike or Cleave...
Razuvious Uncontrolled
6 InstallsRazuvious Uncontrolled This WA will trigger when you are in the Razuvious encounter, targetting Razuvious, but he is not targetting a Deathknight Understudy
0)Bloodrage most remaining time
6 InstallsShows player with highest bloodrage duration left
Paladin JoW/JoL Timer
6 InstallsPaladin JoW/JoL Timer: At 40,20,10 and 5 sec of cooldown shows a Frame Error which show the timer CD message at those points ( 40,20,10 and 5 sec); At 20, 10 and 5 sec there...