World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
Naxx Master Loot Reminder
0 InstallsReminds you to set loot to Master Loot when in Naxxramas and targeting a boss or in Sapphiron or Kel'Thuzad's room when a Ready Check is performed.
Juju Chill
0 InstallsShows Juju Chill icon when the buff is missing Loads when Player is in Sapphiron's Lair Player is not in Combat Juju chill is not applied
Naxx 小怪WCL需求
0 Installshttps://wago.io/p_o9vp6BD 的中文翻译版, 略有改动以符合最新的WCL要求
COR missing
0 InstallsWeakaura designed to show an icon and play a sound when curse of recklessness expires or is removed from certain bosses in Naxx: Loatheb, Patchwerk, 4 Horsemen, Sapphiron, KT
Naxxramas Deathknight Captain - Warn for cleave
0 InstallsThis will warn you if Deathknight Captains are getting close to you (so they don't cleave you). Suitable for healers who want to survive.
Loatheb Healer Tracker
0 Installsfork of https://wago.io/hJBnnoblZ Add blacklisted players to the Actions custom code
PATCHWERK Inspiration
0 InstallsTo help fury prot tanks decide when it's safe to dual wield on patchwerk based on having inspiration buff.
Parry change your gear
0 InstallsWill tell you to change your gear for 30 secs after leaving combat if you're wearing Lifegiving Gem & are in Naxx.
chicken reminder
0 Installsyells to equip chicken after heigan dies. Replace unit id in the trigger anywhere ya want.
Military Fear War Reminder
0 InstallsShow an Icon when FW is off cooldown during 3 minutes after Loatheb's death
Group Inviter
0 InstallsWA to automatically set up your raid based on a pre-filled table in Excel
Naxxaramas Checklist (Warrior + Mage Edition)
0 InstallsThis will display a list of needed items for either a warrior or mage depending on classed logged in. It is currently set to only load from Org and UC. This is based of: https://wago.io/seK8dUVkh
Pat's Raid Parry Haste Announcer
0 InstallsAnnounces in raid chat when a player is parried on any boss fight in BWL, AQ40, or Naxx