World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
Bone Armor Nameplate icon, with sound.
2 InstallsSet to load only with priest, shaman, mage, warlock and warrior. Plays a sound when the aura is triggered.
Naxxramas Loatheb Consumables
3 InstallsA modified version from a Loatheb consumables aura. It shows what you need to use (before timer expires) for each decimation. Pretty straight forward.
Mage raid debuffs
3 InstallsShows - Scorch Stacks if you have the talent learned - Winter's Chill stacks - if CoE is up - if Nightfall debuff is up
AML: Auto Master Loot Distribution
1 InstallsThis is a mod of : The only difference is that i added a filter based on quality of items. Filter will not allow wa to loot any items of higher quality then specified....
WotLk Cat EZ Mode
2 InstallsThis WeakAura shows you, what spells are the next best in you priority-list. Also shows custom Combo-Points, Energy and Clearcast.
Aerx 4HM Healers - German
1 InstallsGerman translation from
MGLR Sapphiron Mages
3 InstallsFrost Ward and Frost Armor reminder.
Who saved me?
3 InstallsShows on screen who buffed either "BoP", "BoF" or "Lay on Hands" with Names.
1 InstallsShow marked or whitelisted people in range on KT for frost blast Custom Options: RaidMarkers: Which raid marks to show Range Check: Which range to use, 10 or 11 Whitelist: Names to allow even if...
Loatheb Healer Tracker [whisper addon]
1 InstallsExtends functionality of 'Loatheb Healer Tracker' by putting an annoying, obvious message on your screen when the healer before you receives Corrupted Mind. Loatheb Healer Tracker sends a whisper on your behalf to the next...
Poison Charge Warning
1 InstallsSee a large icon pop up warning you when you have the poison charge debuff.
World Buff Announcer
1 InstallsWorld Buff Announcer Ever been waiting on an alt for a world buff to go out and miss the notification from Nova WorldBuffs or DBM? This will flash a giant BUFF GOING OUT with a...
Physical DPS Consumables Tracker
1 InstallsThis weakaura does not show a warning for consumables you do not have in your inventory. By default several weakauras does not take into consideration if you have more consumables with you or not. This...
Loatheb Events Timer - Warlock
2 InstallsShows next and recently past events (consumables, spores, dooms, curses) for Loatheb boss-fight. Specifically for warlocks, it includes consumables from the start of the fight, Voidwalker Sacrifice shield, and Shadow Ward.
Undead/Scourgebane Checker
2 InstallsIcon anchored to target frame when target is undead and you don't have scourge equipped. Also humanoid icon if target is not undead and you have Scourge equipped. Only added 85ap and 110ap enchant, can...
Sapph - Hot Watch
2 InstallsI made this weakaura to improve my own gameplay on Sapph. This should only be used by Druids and Priests. What does it do: - This weakaura will alert you when you don't have a...
Bloodrage Check (in raid)
2 InstallsChecks who has bloodrage buff up. Currently checks for bloodrage time of <= 9 seconds. Change in the trigger to 10 if you full duration check.
Darpeh's Naxx Summons v1.00
2 InstallsThis shows summoning markers on their raidframes if the aura detects that their zone is anything other than Eastern Plaguelands or Naxx. This enables you to keep track of who you have summoned so far....
Consumes, Do I Have It?
2 Installs**No longer developing this WA, there's an addon that does this much better called 'Neverforget' This weak aura helps to ensure you have all the consumables and gear you need for your scheduled raid. It...
Narwhal's consumes
2 InstallsBased on cuddle's consume reminder this version adds multiple consumables for all classes and includes flasks. for meme specs you can easily adjust when which reminder is shown. By default mongoose does not show for...