World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Sanctum of Domination (10/10 Bosses, all difficulties)
64.4k InstallsExpect updates during heroic/mythic week(s) Other WAs that might be relevant for progress: Co-Tank Auras: Regarding Custom sounds (optional, highly recommended) Install SharedMedia_Causese Restart WoW Max out master volume and enable the addon....
Painsmith Halcyon Glow Nameplate of Spiked Ball
21k InstallsGlows the nameplate of the 7th (middle) Spiked Ball, you can change which one to glow in custom options You can change the look of the glow in custom options
Sanctum of Domination Co-Tank Auras
11.7k InstallsDefault Taunt sound requires Shows debuffs applied to your Co-Tank without having to put him in focus or anything. Check out Custom Options tab. "Sound at x stacks" plays the sound when your Co-Tank...
T28: 06 Painsmith Raznal N/H/Mythic Pack
7k InstallsReady for N/H/Mythic! Lines only show if you're targeted by Chains and increase in visibility when spikes are about to go off on mythic difficulty only. (Moving group position will move these lines, default group...
Raznal Intermission Helper (Mythic)
5.9k Installs moo
Mythic painsmith gateway timer
7.8k InstallsIncludes: Gateway reminder for focusing the gateway; will show whenever your targeting the boss Timer for 1st and 2nd intermission for when to take the gateway Don't forget to stack for adds spawning after ;)...
Sanctum of Domination Bars
2k InstallsJust a few bars that complement my Raid WAs from 01 Chains of Eternity Bar (Progress Bar) 04 Malevolence Bar (Progress Bar) 06 Flameclasp Trap Bar (Progress Bar) 07 Call of Eternity Bar (Progress...
Don's Battle Ress Monitor
1.1k InstallsShows a list of bRessed people and who ressed then
T28: Painsmith - Spiked Ball Marker
2.1k InstallsHere is a breakdown on the development of this Weak Aura. This Weak Aura will highlight the nameplate of the center Spiked Ball in the Painsmith fight. It also has the option to set...
Painsmith Halcyon Character Marker Intermission
2k Installsshows an indicator on your character during painsmith intermissions visual can be changed in display tab
Painsmith Raznal Crosshair - WHITE
2.1k InstallsPainsmith Raznal crosshairs so you can see where your character is more cleanly during this encounter Video:
SoD:06 Shadowsteel Embers Countdown
1.9k InstallsCounts down the 5 second intervals between Shadowsteel Embers spawning during the Painsmith Raznal intermissions
Painsmith position marker
1.7k InstallsJust a box showing your body position for painsmith fight. Modified from the Jaina weakaura.
Painsmith Gate Countdowns Adds Stack
1.6k InstallsChanged timings so it's both to stack adds in intermission. Taken from and credit to:
Painsmith Raznal - Trap Debuff Indicator
1.5k InstallsShows the duration of the "Flameclasp Eruption" debuff of the Painsmith Raznal fight.
Painsmith crosshair
1.2k InstallsA fat crosshair to see your position easier. Visible during Painsmith Raznal encounter. Has a minor vertical offset to better line up with camera direction.
Painsmith Trap Helper
974 InstallsModified from Sire impale weak auras to help the raid know where to drop traps after crossing the spikeballs. Drop me a note if this helps your raid!
Painsmith crosshair/line
532 InstallsAltered from a KJ weakaura, no idea if this will be used but I made it for people with the debuff to tell where the spikes are going to hit. I'd recommend pointing your camera...
801 Installsone bar, one text, delete what you don't want.
Throw EHP
639 InstallsDisplays your expected remaining HP% after Cruciform Axe/Reverberating Hammer/Dualblade Scythe. Shows while the tank is targeted by it. Takes into account range to the targeted tank. Requires to function ☕ Buy me a coffee