World of Warcraft
13,245 Mods
Protection Paladin (Kyrian)
0 InstallsCreated by Luxthos
Retri - Holy Power Generators (Tini)
0 InstallsCreated by Tini Myrodian-Goldrinn
Retri - Bars (Tini)
0 InstallsCreated by Tini Myrodian-Goldrinn
Retri - Important Auras (Tini)
0 InstallsCreated by Tini Myrodian-Goldrinn
Retri - Spenders + Rebuke + HoW (Tini)
0 InstallsCreated by Tini Myrodian-Goldrinn
luas prot pally setup
0 Installsuse as default for tank/dps outside of maybe dk; missing bop loh and bubble
Main CD
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 15 auras: Enhanced Holy Shock (icon) Judgment 4 (icon) Holy Shock 2 2 (icon) Cleanse (icon) BoV (icon) Light's Hammer (icon) HP (icon) Bestow Faith 3 (icon) Light's Hammer CD...
0 InstallsTacking CDs for my Paladin This is a collection of 22 auras: TyrsDeliverance (icon) TyrsDeliveranceCD 2 (text) Velens (icon) Velen-CDName (text) Velen-CD (text) Rule of Law 2 (icon) HolyAvenger (icon) HolyAvengerCDName 2 (text) HolyAvengerCD 2...
Epie TBC Paladin -- Compatible French Version
0 InstallsTraqueur de capacités, barre de santé, bar à mana pour Paladins pour TBC. Prend en charge les spécifications pvp/pve les plus courantes. Adapte automatiquement les barres d’icône en fonction de vos talents. Source US :...
0 InstallsShadowlands Dungeon Pack Fully localized and working with all languages
Holy Pala small cds
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 9 auras: Holy Artefakt (icon) Holy Divine Protection 2 (icon) Holy Divine Steed (icon) Holy Arcane Torrent (icon) Holy Rule of Law (icon) Holy Holy Shock (icon) Holy Bestow Faith...
Fires of Justice
0 InstallsVisual for Fires of Justice. Looks similar to Divine Purpose but won't conflict with it in most situations.
Pala Common
0 InstallsFor level 20 characters, VETs or F2P. Various Paladin WAs common among all specs, Bubble Now, Consecration Progress, Holy Power, Hand Taunt, Divine Shield alert
0 InstallsGroup of procs and buffs that need to be tracked using my WA and are not tracked in the other packages.
0 InstallsMy UI set up for Holy Paladin. Is all a dynamic group of icons that changes when you change talents etc. Maximum of 20 icons (2 rows of 10).
0 Installsuse thie image too:
Auras Pala holy
0 InstallsSome Auras are loaded in Ret/Prot aswell, just make this whole aura load for holy only
0 Installs適用8.3版本 可搭配使用的巨集: 飛鏢 - showtooltip 復仇之盾 /連續施法 reset=13 復仇之盾,審判 仇恨幫手 - showtooltip 公正之錘 /連續施法 reset=5 奉獻,審判,公正之錘,公正之錘,審判
Corvandus' Prot Paladin Frisbee Faceoff
0 InstallsHi chaps, here's my Protection Paladin UI! Presently in a beta stage, so it makes some talent assumptions that may be sub-optimal. Any feedback for tracking things currently ignored would be appreciated! Please bear in...
Retribution Paladin Holy Power
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 17 auras: 1 hp (texture) 1 hp dark (texture) 1 hp back (texture) 1 hp Liadrin's Fury Unleashed Ticks (aurabar) 1 hp back non combat (texture) 2 hp (texture) 2...