World of Warcraft
13,245 Mods
Blessing of the Ashbringer
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 2 auras: BOTA (icon) BOTA text (text) The icon and text will only show if you don't have the buff. Both BoK and BoW needs to be active to get...
SotR Charges/LotP
0 InstallsThis has a prerequisite to be used. Here is what you will be reading… ***You MUST download the custom art in order for these Weak Auras to work. With the following instructions, you should not...
Prot Paladin Turtle Auras
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 5 auras: Ardent Defender (aurabar) AvWr (aurabar) GoAK (aurabar) Seraph (aurabar) Trinket (aurabar)
Pala Prot CD BAR
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 36 auras: DiS UP (icon) DiS CD (icon) DiS Col (aurabar) DiS CD Text (text) BoS UP (icon) BoS CD (icon) BoS Col (aurabar) BoS CD Text (text) BoP UP...
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 26 auras: >>>>>CoolDowns Group<<<<< (icon) Ret: Divine Shield (Active Buff) (text) Ret: Divine Shield (Available) (icon) Ret: Divine Shield (On CD) (icon) Ret: BoP (Active Buff) (text) Ret: BoP(Available) (icon)...
Maximumride Holy Paladin Procs
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 4 auras: T20 (icon) PoS (icon) Maraad's (icon) Light Saves (icon)
Truthseeker Indicator
0 InstallsShows a minimap range indicator when Truthseeker activates. Allows you to find the exact range, then target around and see what target clips the indicator circle.
Minimal Ret Kit
0 InstallsLatest changes (5/7/2017): - GCD indicator added. - Alert for interrupt. I personally use this, and will improve it here and there. Am open to suggestions, but some things might be beyond my capability. GCD...
Zeal Stacks
0 InstallsShows Zeal stacks and cd
[BfA 8.3] Paladin Prot Rotation
0 Installs
Shadowfell - Pal (Shadowlands Ready)
0 InstallsYou need 4 more groups to make this WA complete. (Though it will function even without them) Let me know if you see something not working properly. If you want more auras, check Profile. (defensives)...
Holy Paladin
0 InstallsTook Some Stuff i found on here and changed it for my needs
0 Installs依附默认个人资源的骑士盟约技能cd监视
0 Installs依附默认个人资源的骑士爆发技能cd监视
0 Installs依附默认个人资源的骑士技能监视
Dume - Protection Paladin
0 InstallsHoly power tracker: Holy paladin: Retribution paladin: The WA in the screenshot have been skinned with Masque (dream skin).
Dume - Paladin Auras
0 InstallsPaladin auras on the left side of player HP, optimized for my own Elvui profile.
Bearur's Pally
0 InstallsAlways a thing in progress, but just some basic cooldowns.
Linaq's Prot Pala Rotation
0 InstallsDynamic group This is a collection of 9 auras: Eye Of Tyr (icon) Blessed Hammer (icon) Hand Of the protector (icon) Shield Of the Righteous (icon) Sotr 2 w/o serpahin (icon) Consecration (icon) Judgement (icon)...
Ret Group Without holy power bar
0 InstallsAll spells for ret without HP bar. I personally use clearlyspam WA for HP ( LoH, BoP and sac are placed on player unit frame.