World of Warcraft
13,784 Mods
Soulforge Embers Reminder/Tracker
24 InstallsA simple Weak Aura to Track Your Soulforge Embers to optimize uptime. SE icon appears when a target is selected -If SE debuff is not active on target, a rune appears around the icon and...
RepPerHour v1.0.1
32 InstallsCustomizable Faction Rep per hour tracker for Classic Wow built into WeakAuras
Feral Combo Points
0 InstallsMy version of outreigns' combo points weakaura. Simple combo points tracker for feral druid with increased size on the 5th combo point for easier tracking. Credits to outreigns.
Nemesis Quest on Nameplate
14 InstallsThis aura places an icon on a nameplate of a race you need to kill in Ashran for the Nemesis quest. It's super niche and yes it's a weakaura for this in 2021.
Group Warlock - Health Stone Tracker
30 InstallsThis WeakAura shows a simple clickable icon if there is a Warlock in your Group or Raid and you dont have any Healthstones left. If you click on the Icon it sends the defined Message...
ennemy cd alert
17 Installsthis is a copy of: https://wago.io/J2eFIGoag, but i added other spells.
Resurrection Pending
12 InstallsThis should display a text and shout at you to get up when you have a resurrection pending. To also have the sounds designed to go with it, it requires Elvui and Weakauras
Jazo - Spell Reflect Text
31 InstallsDisplays in text what spell you just reflected + announces it in party chat.
Wrath of Elune - 4piece
38 InstallsPlays audio (can be disabled) And shows icon when you proc your 4 set bonus.
14 InstallsRetail version of my popular and beloved PvPStuff aura. Shows important buffs in pvp on your target with the time left on the buffs, plays a sound on some of them. Custom options.
14 InstallsThis weakaura displays a short info about the remaining cooldown, whenever you try to cast a spell which is on CD. It can basically work as as simple all- in-one solution for your combat &...
Nameplate Enemy Player Indicator
28 InstallsShows a warning indicator over nameplates of enemy players
Omnibar - Buffs
14 InstallsOmnibar Weak aura for 3.3.5
THREE ROWS UI by potat0nerd
15 InstallsThree rows UI's goal is to hide as much unnecessary info as possible to keep focus high and eye movement low the UI is split into three rows: Row one is rotational abilities and short...
Barth's Frost Mage Auras | Dragonflight
1 InstallsWeakaura I'm using for Frost Mage. My multi content megapack weakaura: https://wago.io/pa52ECXPK My Cursor weakaura: https://wago.io/09HuUQOBK Functions below - Resource bar / cd tracker - Includes Winter's Chill tracking - Important spells / trinket tracker...
Mindbeander Reminder
2 InstallsShows when the skill is ready in the middle of the screen.
Qli's Stun DR Notifier
14 InstallsGreat name, am I right? This weakaura alerts you when Stun DR is wearing off yourself. It shows a text ("SOON"), and a glow (on Elvui Playerframe). Both effects can be turned off individually, by...
Sappable? on Nameplates
25 InstallsDisplay out of combat status on enemy nameplates, only works in arenas or battlegrounds.
2 InstallsA simple weakaura that calls out "Rogue!" in say chat if you get sapped.
0 Installs功能介绍 在玩家血條上顯示陣營標記 by 艾德帕拉丁-暗影之月