World of Warcraft
13,784 Mods
Oclocks' Rage/Swing/Threat Bars
29 InstallsRage bar with prediction when queueing HS or Cleave Swing timer goes yellow when HS queueing and green when Cleave queueing Threat bar show the difference of threat with the MT (top aggro) : value...
Bounty Hunted
12 InstallsMakes it obvious when a bounty is placed on you and puts a message in chat for timestamping purposes.
Marks of Honor Reminder
32 InstallsShows if you have enough Marks of Honor to turn in for Invaders of Alterac Valley or Battle of Warsong Gulch - small icon if you have 3 - large and glowing icon if you...
Arena PVP Gear Reminder
16 InstallsThis WA reminds you to put on your PVP gear when entering arena. When you enter an arena, this WA will check to see if you have any of the following PVP trinkets equipped [Sinful...
War Chest Announcer
27 InstallsShows you when a war chest is on its way and posts it in the guild with the current zone. You can change the time for how long it will display in the custom options....
Loss of Control Alerts
5 InstallsBackport from retail Loss of Control Alerts for patch WotLK The WA version is no longer supported, please use the addon LossOfControl Textures and the rest of the help you can find in my discord...
Feral Bleeds
0 InstallsSmall, centered bleed tracker I made to make sure I get maximum bleed uptime. No custom code, just simple weakaura options.
PVP LFG (Faction and Rating)
25 InstallsThis weakaura will display the group leader's current arena or rbg rating. Colored. Also the leader's faction, as at the moment cross faction queueing is disabled. It provides a way to filter out the other...
Intervene Result Notifier
31 InstallsThis WeakAura tells you exactly which enemy attack your pet has Intervened. Author: Issir-Firemaw
enemy healer cc
12 Installsby Gomc
Chaotic Imprint Announcer
27 Installsafter applying a chaotic debuff you announce the school if its damage amplification in /party chat. Only loads in instanced pvp.
Zirgly CDs
30 InstallsTracks your Demonic Circle Teleport cooldown, Gateway debuff, Unending resolve, and has a Grimoire of Sacrifice and Demon Armor reminder.
Spell Lock CD
1 InstallsWhat: This is a simple icon that will display when your Affliction Pet's "Spell Lock" is off cooldown and ready to use. When/Where: By default, this is only active while in arena settings. Why: Helpful...
Target CC [UnholyUI]
15 InstallsPart of UnholyUI: https://wago.io/D0UNJugd1 Features Tracks Crowd control effects on your Target Supports all class CCs If you think a Ability is missing, feel free to notify me! :)
arena preparation timer
4 InstallsIf it's not working, change the chat message in the trigger settings to your language to make it work. (default is English)
[투기장]구원된 영혼 추적기 (잔시)
15 Installsin 투기장,전장 적 사제가 사제 pvp 특성 : 구원자의 영혼 전설 착용 : 잔시 : 대주교 베네딕투스의 귀환 을 선택했을 때, 본인이 확실히 죽였는지 알 수 있습니다. ※ 모의전에서는 불러오기 체크해제하고 사용할것
Mouseover Trainer
2 InstallsTrain yourself to use party targeting keybinds in arena by blocking mouseover casting on party frames, includes a text reminder for the inevitable moments you forget. You'll probably lose games because of this weakaura in...
25 InstallsInnervate CD tracker. Shows which druid innervated which target and how much time is left on the CD.
Clickable Smart Water WOTLK
25 InstallsClickable Water icon that shows your highest level water first prioritizing mage water. Includes all water and mana biscuits besides level 1 starting water. Good for utilizing random water that you loot and saving action...
11 InstallsStill trying to get this list perfect in attempt to use spider belt more efficiently. This is just an edit of "my debuffs timer" (https://wago.io/fgFvxlhWv/3) for immobilize cc only.