World of Warcraft
13,784 Mods
Nameplate Class Icons
8 InstallsAdds Class Icons for players nameplates
Amoner's Healing Reducing Tracker
6 InstallsSimple WeakAura to keep track of Healing Reduction auras on your target. Discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldofpvp/comments/10scqff/created_a_wa_to_track_healing_debuffs_on_your/ Included Auras are: Fel Fissure (Progress Bar) -> Warlock Mortal Wounds (Progress Bar) -> Warrior, Monk, Hunter Blade Dance (Progress Bar)...
Fae Guardians for targeted players
17 InstallsFae Guardians for players who are the targets. Shows you: CDR percentage on Top Duration left in middle Damage reduction on the bottom Makes noise when it appears. And shows only when you have the...
Battleground Enemies - Nameplate Target Counter
11 InstallsMega janky weakaura that depends on the addon Battleground Enemies, and additionally requires you make edits to the addon to store some global variables Latest version is specifically for BGE Installation: Install Battleground Enemies...
Important Offensive Buffs on Nameplates
22 InstallsThis WA shows offensive/defensive* buffs on nameplates (like Shadow Blades, Avenging Wrath, Evasion, Divine Shield…) If you miss any buff, let me know to add it, I will appreciate it. *You can adjust icons position/size...
Track honor u need to farm
11 InstallsOpen user settings to change amount.
AHYO's TargetFrame - CLASSIC
14 InstallsTargetFrame with all you need! for Classic This is a target frame with click and right click menu. It shows the player's health and other useful information such as the mana bar, target of target,...
Exo's Wintergrasp Quest Manager
17 InstallsExo's Wintergrasp Quest Manager Automatically accepts/declines shared Quests inside Wintergrasp. Features (can be turned off): Customizable Whitelist and Blacklist Auto Accept whitelisted Quests Auto Decline non-whitelisted Quests Auto Ingore Players sharing blacklisted Quests Skip Auto...
WOTLK Rogue Shadow Dance timer
26 InstallsSimple purple bar that shows how long you have left on shadow dance
Trinket Cooldowns (equipped) - Classic & Retail
24 InstallsInformation Displays currently equipped trinkets and cooldowns below Player Unitframe of Premium Nameplates' ElvUI Profile Creator's Library Premium Nameplates (Plater profile) Premium Nameplates' ElvUI Profile - WotLK Mana and Cast Bar for Premium Nameplate's ElvUI...
Target Buffs [UnholyUI]
13 InstallsPart of UnholyUI: https://wago.io/D0UNJugd1 Features Tracks enemies Offensive, Defensive, Heal CDs Colored Borders Red Border - Offensive: Voidform, Serenity, Arcane Power, Trueshot, Touch of Death,… Blue Border - Defensive: Dispersion, Shield Wall, Darkness, Evasion,… Green...
Shadow Priest - Dots and Debuffs
28 InstallsTracks dots and debuffs like Starshards (if you're a Night Elf), Vampiric Embrace, Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch and Shadow Vulnaribility from Shadow Weaving.
Physical DPS Mob Debuffs
29 InstallsHelps track sunders, IEA, demo shout/roar, Thunderclap, Faerie Fire, Curse of Recklessness, Hunter's Mark
8.3 Trinkets Arena 2
17 InstallsTracks annoying s4 trinkets. Import arena 1 first then 2 then 3 otherwise it might break! If you wanna move the frame, move the arena 1 group, rest will follow. Links to other: Arena 1...
Freezing Trap makes a Horn sound
16 InstallsRequest from the Whaazz discord Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/6zQw9gCyDr Follow my Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/qlimaxxz
cc inc poly / cyclone / fear
30 Installsshows fear/poly/cyclone casts by enemy in combat log (good for if they are using mouseover) and also ones for if they are targeting you
Arena History for the Week
27 InstallsShow Arena's Done this week, the current and best rating you had this week and the expected Ilvl from the Great Vault ***Open PvP Frame if you see all 0s on Login*** - This is...
Vers On Stun
14 InstallsThis WA say in chat the dmg reduction from Versatility when stunned, feared or sheeped. Its sensitive to wether or not the player is using Conflict and Strife and if the particular stun is bugged,...
0 InstallsShares your location with your guild. Displays players in your guild in the world map. All players need GuildGPS.
Mindbender Burst
24 InstallsAdds Mindbender timer and PI/DA for whole burst window awareness