World of Warcraft
13,784 Mods
Bonesoul's Arms Warrior Helpers
26 InstallsBonesoul's helpers for Arms Warriors. Tracks: - condemn - sudden death - exploiter stacks - overpower stacks - sharpen blade stacks
SwingTimerAPI Updated WoTLK
8 InstallsI am now taking development of swingtimerapi. Trying to make the Swing Timers as accurate as possible. These might use more system resources but should have much more accuracy. Trying to remove the little bit...
5 Installsfor patch 3.3.5 WotLK Отображает "тики" тремор тотема вражеского шамана, must have для арены.
Primary Potion Tracker
24 InstallsTracks various primary Potions Duration + Potion CD Tracks: - general Potion/Rune CD Tracker - Stoneshield Duration + Reminder - LIP - LAP - FAP - Haste Potion - Destruction Potion - Swim Potion -...
Cursed - Group and raid curse alert
25 InstallsAlerts you of any teammate with a curse debuff, including yourself. When a curse is detected, a giant face will appear and notify you about it. The face glows when two (2) or more members...
Chi-Ji Timer
5 InstallsTracks the remaining duration on chi-ji.
14 Installs监视Gladdy框体上目标的清算情况,并展示层数,当触发清算时有声音提示。 具体吸附位置需手动调整
Prayer of Healing Announcer
29 InstallsTriggers Prayer of Healing Icon if a specific amount of partymembers dropped health by predefined amount (are wounded) Both values can be adjusted in custom options. Settings - Amount of required wounded partymembers - Missing...
Death knight Pet Missing
Resize standart Enemy/Friendly nameplates
0 InstallsThe command to change the size of the indicators will be applied automatically every time you enter the game. Therefore, no further action is required. To set the desired indicator sizes, see the screenshot.
Bloodlust / Heroism / Time Warp / Primal Rage / Drums Buff Tracker by Máddy
20 InstallsBloodlust / Heroism / Time Warp / Primal Rage / Drums Buff Tracker + Timer remaining
Checksmix all in 1 holy paladin conglomeration
25 InstallsThis is a conglomeration I created by repurposing other peoples auras and adding my own functionality and adjusting positions to where I want them. This will track basically everything you want. In the future I...
Healer Nameplate Icon
8 InstallsPlaces a healer icon above nameplates of your healer in arenas.
Enemy Offensive Tracker Nameplate DF
2 InstallsShows offensicves behind enemy plate lower row in screenshot.
Cast Near Me
12 InstallsAs a mage I use this to check if a Hunter is casting Aimshot or a Mage is casting Sheep to blink away just in time to be out of range.
PilsungUI | GCD | Global Cool Down | Progress Bar
21 InstallsGlobal Cool Down Progress Bar helps you time your ability instead of spam them.
arena mate dps cc
10 Installsthis addons is the same as https://wago.io/fR_yLAdkD but this time if for the dps.
Arena Flame Shocks vX
3 InstallsPvP Arena Frame Flame shock tracker
Arena Auto Assist All
17 InstallsI always get annoyed on my warlock b/c I use a macro to mark my pet when I cast soul link and for some reason when you enter the arena it disables assist-all. My party...
Rage's casts on me WA (Arena)
9 InstallsA weak aura that tracks casts being casted on you inside the arena.