World of Warcraft
13,784 Mods
TotemNameplateTracker RU mod
10 InstallsRussian Client mod for https://wago.io/RKZ96nCmL
BG Defender Reporter - English Translation
11 InstallsWA replacement for the OG 'BG Defender' addon. Sends chat alerts to BG Chat for incoming, reinforcement, etc.
Focused Growth Tracker(Stacks+Timer) / PvE LB! By Knivze & Axphixiate of Tichondrius
23 InstallsFocused Growth Tracker(Stacks+Timer) + LB(pve) tracker The focused growth also tracks LB time remaining. It will also glow when its time to reapply Lifebloom. If you need to change the position of the WA -...
Escape from Reality Overlay Timer
4 InstallsOverlay timer showing remaining duration on escape from reality.
EZBGQ - By Gazz
10 InstallsAdds a few buttons to make queueing easier and adds a simple automatic mark turnin.
[전장,투기장]PVP Queue & Alert
9 InstallsENG Supported. Show mapName - remaining time for PVP Queue. Progress Time is not available at this.(TSU) When the any PVP notification(join) pops up, the url sound is played until popup closed. https://ko.wowhead.com/sound=22491 customize your...
Revenge 2
22 InstallsProc revenge from all stance indication
Rippy Rogue PVP CDs + Energy Bar
18 InstallsContents Main CD Bar Secondary CD Bar Energy Bar Cast Bar Shadowdance Progress Bar Poison Reminder Tricks reminder inspired by "Shadow Priest Pack" by Bartbtw (https://wago.io/bvl_qgzyE) //Not updating because I don't personally use it but...
Shurrick - Tricks of the Trade only DMG Buff
23 InstallsA Simple WA that shows ONLY the DMG Buff from Tricks of the Trade that you receive from other Rogues
PVP Tab target change
11 InstallsChanges the tab-targetting functionality to target only players in instanced PvP and anything in PvE
Combo Points - Animated Glowing Orbs
19 InstallsCombo Point WeakAura using Glowing Orbs and Rune Circles to track Combo Points and Missing Combo Points. Visually appealing and very cool.
Fear Ward Yourself! Priest + Warlock Fear [Arena]
23 InstallsReminds you to Fear Ward yourself if a Priest or Warlock is in 15 Yards Range to you and you have your Fear Ward up. If you only want to be warned if your Fear...
10 InstallsAlert when out of range of healer in arena
Lightning Lasso Group
23 InstallsChoose between having a HUD or Icon. (Delete the one you do not want). Announces "Finish Him!" from Mortal Kombat when ready to use (must have SharedMedia_Maslengo)
10 InstallsEman's Nigh Invulnerability Belt reminder This weakaura alerts you to pop your Nigh Invulnerability Belt in arenas once you are below 45% health.
Bison's Battlemaster Trinket Tracker Group
10 InstallsTracks the Battlemaster Trinket effects on multiple targets. Displays the name of the caster as well as the duration.
Faith Death Screen
0 InstallsBring the popular "Mortis" death screen from the game FAITH to world of warcraft! Now you too can experience Mortis whenever you die in raids, dungeons, pretty much everywhere. Requires 2 files: mortis.ogg - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PtAbkMWGtME7yJd6wWbOAnzmFW8heMa7/view?usp=sharing...
Взрыв трупа
7 InstallsПредупреждает о том, что дк использует способность "Взрыв трупа". Полезно в дуэлях против дк, а также must have для арены.
Defensives On Me
11 InstallsShows external defensives cooldowns used on player
Tremor Totem Announcer
22 InstallsWhen casting Tremor Totem in an instance, will `/say Tremor Totem!` with the link for Tremor Totem.