World of Warcraft
13,784 Mods
Reverse Magic Details
17 InstallsSimple will tell you what your reverse magic removed. (Doesn't tell you if it was sent back to caster at this point)
Group Interrupt Tracker
16 InstallsThis WeakAura helps with the interrupt management of you and your groups. Shows cast-bars as indicators for cooling and ready interrupts.
Arena WAs
12 InstallsJust a simple group of WAs I use to track major defensive CD / immunity usage in arena.
Position infight
14 InstallsBackup of my classic WAs
Classic - Head - Engineering - Gnomish Mind Control Cap
19 InstallsThis weakaura only activates when you have the item equipped.
Twisted Appendages on Nameplates
13 InstallsBased on Grand Delusions on Nameplates credits to Squirl
Alpha Tiger Buff Tracker
2 InstallsTracks alpha tiger buff and debuff for all targets.
13 InstallsShows the classcolor of party1 targets. Can easily adapted for party2 too. Helpful for arena 2s/3s when playing without voice to see the target of your mates
DougDoug WeeWoo Health Alarm
0 InstallsEver wanted DougDoug to warn you about your impending doom? well now you can! with the DougDoug Wee! Woo! health alarm, you can get that warning on your almost timely demise! when your below 35%...
turtle watch
7 Installsshow enemy group composition and if anyone is on your spy kill on sight list
Stealth Damage Break Timer
3 InstallsDisplays a black box with a border color matching the debuff type and a countdown matching the duration of the longest duration dot you have, when you have dots on your character. Only loads for...
Mortal Strike
11 InstallsShows when mortal wounds is applied to anyone in arena group: you, party1, party2
Arena Healer - Team Defensives
6 InstallsHealing Solo Shuffles can be a challenging endeavour. This aims to assist healers by making it obvious when a team member has used a defensive cool-down by both visual display and through the sound of...
Blazing Meteor
14 InstallsSimple animated tracker for istant hand of guldan's with 2 bonus set!
Jaylen's Classic Warrior WA
18 InstallsI developed a WA that i think is pretty user friendly to PVPers, Tanks, and Fury DPS Warriors. This allows you to remove some clutter/action bars from your screen and have all your main abilities...
Counterstrike totem warning
12 InstallsWarns when an enemy uses counterstrike totem :)
FrostSTeeL's ManaWatch
13 InstallsSimplistic healer mana indicator for tanks. It will change color based on the healer's class (you can disable this feature by deleting conditions 1-5). When healer's mana reaches 30% it will glow red and jump...
AV Warnings RaidWarnings
10 InstallsDisplays a raid warning when Drek, Bal or Vann have been pulled or reset. Displays a further warning for Drek when he continues fighting (percent unsure) Made by Dajacu / Fireballing - Arugal
22 InstallsEman's drinking tracker Simple weakaura to track when you're currently drinking. Displays a mostly-transparent icon of the drink currently being used. Useful for all thirsty classes.
TH Interrupt Tracker SL
7 InstallsInterrupt tracker for perfect coordination of interrupts in group environments. Also attempts to show interrupts of other ungrouped nearby friendly players in case of outdoor content. https://www.techhypno.com