World of Warcraft
13,784 Mods
Sammers NORD - no restor druids
7 InstallsThe weak aura shows you amount the restor druid HPS + hots for every arena target in the enemy team.
Focused Growth counter
19 InstallsFocused Growth tracker
Power Infusion Buff Tracker by Máddy
19 InstallsPower Infusion Buff Tracker + Timer remaining
Healthstone missing.
15 InstallsDepends on Custom Options, it will notify Players that youre run out of healthstone, when there is a WarLock in your Party/Raid.
Pally Blessings
24 InstallsShows when you have Paladin Blessings such as Bop, Sacrifice, and Aura Mastery
baade's Missing Meta gem in inventory alerter
0 InstallsShows when you have 0 meta gem for stun gem/ agi gem swaps (set to load druid only- you can edit this for other classes) Only loads when in a city / pvp feral spec...
Arena - Targeting Animal Companion / On nameplate
2 InstallsNameplate version of Arena - Targeting Animal Companion, only visible if targeting the fake pet. Edit offsets on "Arena - Targeting Animal Companion - Nameplate" to adjust position. Pet nameplates have to be enabled or...
Poolsize Boosting Event counter
6 InstallsCount and categorize whisper from different realms. Player must whisp the realm to be taken into account Realms list can be configured on "Custom Options" panel.
ELE SHAMAN UI - by Thrall
1 InstallsElemental Shaman UI
Discordian's BL / TW Tracker v9.0.2
17 InstallsWhen you or some party members use bloodlust, time warp or something else which giving you %30 haste; Horde: You will yell as 'For the Horde', and hear Sylvanas shout. Alliance: You will yell as...
Transcendence available
14 InstallsShows a large graphic when your Transcendence teleport is off cooldown and within range. Currently only loads in arenas and rated battlegrounds, but you can adjust that by opening the weak aura's "Load" tab and...
Glowing Holy Power
13 InstallsA overhead glowing holy power display
Woosh's HL Glyph Cursor Count By Gripz
4 InstallsA Cursor Count for Holy Light's Glyph -Shows the number of additional targets you hit with your Holy Light Glyph Spell on the side of your cursor -Landing on 4 or 5 targets the text...
k8thekat Hud 8.3(Glimmerdin/Ret)
14 InstallsM+/Raiding/PvP Holy/Ret Paladin Compilation of useful WA for commonly used Talents and Azerite traits in multiple situations. The amount of trinkets supported is limited to what I have gotten to drop. So I haven't needed...
12 InstallsWith this you can just write !weekly in say, party, guild or whisper to get the UI for the great vault to appear
Hide Engineering Helmets
14 InstallsAutomatically hides certain helmets (list can be extended in Init-Actions) whenever they are equipped. If any other helmet is equipped, "Show Helm" is set to true.
9.2 鬥士的共鳴器冷卻時間監控 Resonator Cooldown
9 InstallsPatch 9.2更新為鬥士的共鳴器冷卻時間監控。
TnT's sArena Debuffs
1 InstallsThis is a Weakaura that adds debuffs to the sArena Frames on top of them, making it easy to track. Adds Important Global Debuffs (ie, MindGames) and also each classes individual debuffs. Making it easy...
Arcane Mage Group - Stopskii
3 InstallsArcane mage weakaura profile for Wrath of the Lich King (WotLK) Classic, and also has a basic Fire mage setup. Cast bar not included (use quartz). I suggest also using Merfin's Equipped Items Weakaura: https://wago.io/UfCxcQfAm
unitscan GUI
10 Installsunitscan GUI Tremendously improved version of 'unitscan GUI' by kryolite (https://wago.io/ZFxXK8xby) Features View your current unitscan targets in graphical form (via custom options) instead of text Define per-character unitscan targets, which only are added to...