World of Warcraft
13,784 Mods
Lifebloom Tracker By Gripz
7 Installs-Shows When you have 3 stacks of Lifebloom on a target -Buff timer that is green, turns Yellow at 4 seconds and Red at 2 seconds remaining -Glows Yellow when 4 seconds remaining and Glows...
Primordial Wave Group
0 InstallsPwave CD and Buff Duration Tracker
WOTLK Shadow Priest buffs Reminder
16 InstallsShows Innerfire/Shadowform/Vampiric Embrace/Power Word: Shield DEBUFF (SELF/ TARGETTED ALLY)
Marksman Cooldowns
15 InstallsClean & simple cooldowns Weakaura as dynamic group
Show Hex and Havoc on Frame
17 InstallsShows a glowing icon over party frame to assist with dispelling when a friendly unit is affected by Havoc or Hex.
ФОНК ЕБАТЬ (Phonk in BL)
16 InstallsFollow me on TWITCH: https://twitch.tv/pantiesez From Russia with love my friend! How often have you had such a thing happen that when handing over the BL, your hands began to shake and the stool began...
9 InstallsHappy farming
PvP Bar
10 InstallsShows on bar how much time is left for you PvP flag to go away once you enter one of alliance cities, while having PvP disabled.
Dziden's rbg fight count
4 InstallsAura detects enemies and friendly in range. Red - more enemies, Green - more friendly.
Crosyc - Warlock Classic
13 Installs- ElvUI: https://wago.io/pvoBooK5- - Manabar - DoT-Timer (Curses, Corruption, Immolate & Siphon Life if talented) - Tracker for Armor, Pet and Soul Link - Cooldowns: Howl of Terror, Shadow Ward, Death Coil, Spell Lock, Shadowburn,...
arena enemy defensive cds
9 Installsshow important enemy defensive cds pop in arena
Health Status
5 InstallsTaste the rainbow! Tracks if you have a curse (purple), magic debuff (blue), poison (green), or disease (sickly yellow), as well as if you are on or below half health (yellow), or on very low...
Bangle of Endless Blessings buff indicator
23 InstallsA simple WA to help you see when you have the buff from the trinket.
pyro rocket gloves
12 Installssimple icon showing when its ready to be used
Upcoming Shaohao's Lessons Buff + Sheilun's Gift Stacks
1 InstallsTracks what buff you will receive after pressing shaohao's lessons, including sheilun's gift stacks.
Контроль персонажа - by Rainon
9 InstallsПоказывает оглушения, немоту, страх и прочие эффекты потеря контроля. Не включает замедления и т.д. Если нашли способность, которой нет в ауре, оставьте комментарий с названием или ссылкой. Вкладка комментариев расположена слева. - - - -...
Arena Unequip Reminders
8 InstallsAdds a very obnoxious reminder to fix your gear if you are in an Arena (or Battleground, Dungeon, or Raid) and have incorrect gear on. There are 2 reminders for Items Unequipped. You can delete/disable...
OmniBuds Nameplate TBC
9 InstallsOriginal work from Buds : https://wago.io/OmniBudsNamePlate
[Kink] Curse & Dot Resist Notifier
19 InstallsDisplay a text aura if the following spells are missed on a unit: --Curse of the Elements/Tongues/Recklessness/Weakness/Agony/Doom --Corruption/Siphon Life/Immolate
Fubar's Mana And Health Watcher
6 InstallsPuts A Chat Output In Any Of The Three Chat Location's /P (Party), /R (Raid), And/Or /E (Emote). A 15%, 25%, 50% Mana Display In Blue Over Your Toon Icon Along With A 15% Health...