World of Warcraft
13,784 Mods
PvP Cauterizing Flame Reminders - Deathmark - Feral Burst - Warrior Burst
4 InstallsGlowing Icon appears on unit frames when an ally needs cauterizing flame urgently. Currently designed for Warriors/Feral Druids/Rogues Plays "Panther" sound when activated Conditions Rogue Burst - Deathmark Cat Burst - Rip, Rake, Frenzied Assault...
PVP Talent Manager
6 InstallsThis WA can be customized to automatically select Talents and PVP talents based on the classes and specs of the enemy team when entering an arena. Customizing it requires some LUA experience. I've included...
Unitframes - Player
8 InstallsHey all, I made a new Weakaura for Shadowlands. I've not found a Unitframe Addon I've liked so I made my own! Just something for my personal Use I figured others might like. - Cast...
CC Retail Replica
6 InstallsTrying to replicate the image that appears when you get cc'd in classic close to the one in retail. WIP ofc
Nameplate Debuffs
0 InstallsNot updated anymore ! Please visit : https://wago.io/DebuffsOnNameplates
9 InstallsThis WA invites players by keywords. Invites will be visible counted by the first keyword a player used. The keywords are not handled casesensitive … /s "everlook" works like /s "Everlook" Keyswords can be defined...
Against Overwhelming Odds Available
9 InstallsWarns you when the weekly world pvp quest for imbalanced war mode is up. Theoretically works for Horde based on Wowhead's quest data, but they never had it.
Heroic Strike Cancel w/Color for HS/CL Queue SoM Advanced
1 InstallsYour swing timer will change color depending if you have Heroic Strike yellow or Cleave green queued. Allowing you to easily time it with your Offhand which makes it so your offhand always hits and...
Spell Cast Counter
12 InstallsDisplays the Icon of your last used spell/item including a counter that keeps track of the amount of casts you did in a row. The counter resets to 1 as soon as you use another...
Toggle PVP flag in instances
12 InstallsTurns on your pvp flag in instances and turns your pvp flag off when you exit an instance Useful for when a shaman or other player providing buffs has their pvp flag turned on so...
Shackles of Malediction
12 InstallsFriendly use green, Eneme use Red with Shotgun sound, Debuff on you Bite sound.
BG - Eye of the Storm Caller
12 InstallsCredit to NerfedWar for uploading AB Caller which this is completely based off of.
Hamstring/Piercing Howl Missing on Nameplate
11 Installsadds missing deep wounds to nameplate of target if in range by moet
Banish , Hibernate and Scare Beast Alert
18 InstallsPlays an air horn and puts an icon in the middle of your screen when scare beast, hibernate or care beast is cast.
Divine Favor Tracker By Gripz
3 Installs-Gives you a 5 second warning when it is coming off CD -Light Glow when Spell is usable -Bright Glow when Spell is Active -Disappears when spell is on CD except during warning
Ard's Feral Bar
17 InstallsBased on Weave's Feral Bar but adds general functionality for TBC abilities, ie: o Mangle usage and C/D o Mangle Debuff Timer o Self Rake and Rip Timers o Other Druid's Rake and Rip Timers...
RillyClean Hidden Artifact Progress
14 InstallsTrack progress of unlocking your hidden artifact weapon tints. Adapted into a WeakAura from code I found in an old Macro from Legion on the WoW forums. Will only display if you have a hidden...
14 InstallsAnnounces in Grp,Raid or say when you get sapped, displays text aswell.
8 InstallsShows icons for major buffs on you and shows your Guardian Druid's Incarnation(made specifically for when your druid's base gets hit and to know when NOT to lifegrip a tank) https://www.twitch.tv/zxkv7 Auras tracked: Incarnation (Friendly...
Focused Growth check
19 InstallsThis weak aura shows an icon if you do NOT have 3 stacks of focused growth on at least 1 party member in your group.