World of Warcraft
13,784 Mods
Fistweaver Buffs and Procs Pack - Including RSK Proc, Instant Enveloping Mist Proc, and Fae/Teachings timer.
0 InstallsA collection of incredibly useful timers, trackers, and procs for fistweavers.
Shaohao's Lessons Tracker
0 InstallsTracks your current shaohao's lesson buff.
9 Installs源自NGA 进行排版修改
Aff: Malefic Affliction Tracker
8 InstallsManage Malefic Affliction stacks Features Displays Malefic Affliction stacks Shows duration of longest UA Shows Dread Touch/Doom Blossom Icon based on talent choice Notes With UA's on multiple targets in PvP (Rampant Afflictions), it can...
Mana Shield Bar (Swiftnezz Edition)
17 InstallsThis weakaura will place a bar on your screen the moment you cast 'Mana Shield'.* The top bar displays the time left of your 'Mana Shield' before it expires and the bottom bar represents the...
Arena Resto Druid - Party HoT timers
10 InstallsDisplays HoT timers for party in arena. Blue - Life Bloom with Focused Growth stack count visible Green - Rejuvenations Yellow - Cenarion Ward Big HoT Red - Ironbark !! Requires SortGroup addon !! Install...
Rogue (Out Of Stealth Alert)
11 InstallsSimple Aura that alerts you when you leave, or are forced out of Stealth. Probably more useful for PVP.
AlbiUI Classic | Crowd Control | Target
16 InstallsCrowd control tracker for target. Customised specifically for AlbiUI: https://wago.io/pwq5-dCKi
Don't Get Disarmed
14 InstallsUseful Weakaura set for dodging disarm in pvp. Requires: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/libhighvalue
Equip Weapon While Drinking
11 InstallsEquips a specific weapon when drinking and re-equips whatever MH & OH that was equipped before drinking when drinking ends. You must configure this Weakaura to use your selected weapon and options under the "Custom...
Caster Alerts (Gladdy Anchor)
11 InstallsThis Started off as an aura to track Curse of Tongues on Gladdy Frames & is now evolving into an "all in one" rogue/lock kit. 1) Tracks Curse of Tongues on Gladdy Frames. 2) Tracks...
AlbiUI Classic | Important Buffs | Player
11 InstallsImportant buff and proc tracker for player. Functionality currently limited to following classes: Druid Mage Priest Warlock Warrior Customised specifically for AlbiUI: https://wago.io/pwq5-dCKi
Hunter Arena Weapon Swapper
15 InstallsThis WeakAura analyzes the enemy setup on arena match and performs the automatic weapon swap, depending on their possibilities to Disarm you. Ideally, you want a secondary PvP set with different melee weapons, enchanted with...
[Kink] Warlock Pet PvP (Range Check/Fear/Banish Timers) | v1.0.2
12 InstallsRequested Warlock PvP Weakaura which currently supports the following: -- Range checking, for when you're IN or OUT of range of your pet (Out of range is geater than 28yds). -- Progress bars for Fear/Banish...
DOTA kill streak
7 InstallsDownload audio files here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dqf8gkl1VzVxgQXG-efLYykTxw-d4g24/view?usp=sharing Put the "media" folder from the zip file into the "Interface" folder of wow classic You need to restart WoW for the sound files to work
Sharpen Blade Announcer for RBG and Arena
15 InstallsCalls out in chat which target your sharpen blade has landed on, and calls for DPS to focus that target. Weak aura idea was from me, wanted something to help me call targets in RBG's,...
1 InstallsMakes a sound if you become unstealthed without using an ability to do it on your own. Can be helpful if you didn't realize your stealth popped.
Classic Nameplate Enhancement
3 InstallsAll my Nameplates enhancements in one group. Elite Nameplate Icons - https://wago.io/XlUuNIiMk Nameplates Health and Threat - https://wago.io/hLVeJGo4T Nameplate Class Icons - https://wago.io/E7btJ_40z
Highlight group CC
8 InstallsA wa that highlights group frame on cc. Triggers are from
ONE SHOT Tracker - Ret Paladin
15 InstallsThis WA tracks the needed Spells (+Trinket) and gives you a green text if you can start with the "ONE SHOT" Makro. If you used all or some of this needed Spells (+Trinket), they will...