World of Warcraft
13,784 Mods
arena enemy offensive cds
9 Installsshow enemy important offensive cds pop in arena
Gfoty Felhunter CDs
14 InstallsVery simple, shows felhunter cds inspired by Chanimal's FH cd tracker
5-8 Kite Standalone
9 InstallsWhen targeting hostile Warrior player, partially transparent Intercept icon appears when 5yd or further away. Intercept icon begins glowing when 8yd or further. Sonar ping occurs at 7yds while in combat.
Sun King's Blessing When to Pyroblast
11 InstallsTells you when to Pyroblast when the 8th stack occurs along with the time left.
Insight Tracker (Outlaw/Shadowghast - Guile Charm)
14 InstallsTacks Insight buffs and how much Sinister Strikes to go for next Stage (every 4th SS hit)
Stormherald Macestun Tracking TBC Arms Warrior
16 InstallsTracks your Stormherald Mace Stun Procc
Ice Block / Bubble Mass Dispel
17 Installsshows if enemy uses ice block/bubble in combat log and if it has been removed/dispelled
9 InstallsTracks Mindblast cast reduction from mindspike. (Mindmelt talent)
Track Convoke
8 InstallsIcon to track convoke CD of friendly party members.
Vonn's Kill Feed
9 InstallsDisplays a feed of kills, much like what you'd see in an FPS game. Track kills and deaths in PvP and PvE. TODO: - class colors for player names Based on lifetapt's old KillFeed addon....
Nova Range+Count
8 Installsshows how many mobs are within range of your frost nova/cone of cold, max's out at 40 due to the limit of displayed nameplates, only triggers when nameplates are shown!
Solo Shuffle Raid Frame Profile Fix
9 InstallsA more than 5 people raid frame profile is always picked while doing Solo shuffle. This WA changes the compact raid unit frame to the profile specified in the custom option.
13 InstallsA weakauras to can track the CC of your focus! It is so usefull if u want to cc-chain in PVP. Based on "Healer cc'ed"
BigDebuffs TBC
16 InstallsBased upon Retail Aura: https://wago.io/L4Ye6_Eny/3 Slight changes compared to the Bigdebuffs addon to be more suitable for Priests in TBC Classic (higher priority of dispellable roots/stuns and addition of weakened soul debuff tracking)
Fel Obelisk tracker
11 InstallsFel Obelisk tracker to show when you are in range with the aura buff!
Target Callouts by 10xJSChad
1 InstallsAllows the player to make quick and customizable target callouts with the CTRL, SHIFT, and ALT keys. I made this WeakAura to call out which target I'll be interrupting/stopping before the pack is pulled, can...
<Amazing> Big Dik BWL Package 2.0
13 InstallsSimple BWL Weakaura Package put together for my guild comprised of other weakauras. Requires ThreatClassic2 addon for threat display to work.
Undead Frost Mage PvP
12 InstallsIcons for important cooldowns, Water elemental timer and freeze cooldown, mana gem tracker.
Dispel Garogyle
5 InstallsThis WA will make a sound saying (Triangle) and show a text warning on screen every time a friendly Gargoyle is in shackle or Turn Evil.
Frenzied Sh*t
14 InstallsTells you when to use Frenzied Regen & how long the cast runs for. Includes "When To Use Frenzied Regeneration" - By MLGTWISTED#1815 https://wago.io/ADci-63L0