World of Warcraft
13,784 Mods
Druid Dispel Alerts
17 InstallsDisplays notifications for Abolish Poison, Remove Curse on screen when a teammate within 30 yards is affected by something that can be removed.
6 InstallsSends a message saying SAPPED!!! in yell and plays an air horn when you get sapped.
Target Range
14 InstallsA simple target range for Fire Mages. It counts the spells as the range finder.
Feral Druid Dot Tracker
13 InstallsDisplays the debuffs and their duration right on your target frame!
Arena Warlock No-SL Alert
14 InstallsAlert for warlocks in arena that do not have Soul Link. Sound Alert and a an icon for each of arena1/arena2/arena3/arena4/arena5. You will probably have to move the icons around etc to your liking. In...
Discordian's Fire Mage Tracker 9.0.2
15 InstallsWhen Infernal Cascade up, you can track it's cooldown. When your Firestrom legendary procs, you can track its cooldown also.
Sudden Death / Внезапная смерть
14 InstallsОтображает проки казни / show proc execute
Greater Fire Protection Potion
8 InstallsSimple WA that shows if you have GFPP up. If not, it will desaturate and glow. Set only to be active in MC and BWL currently.
도적 독 트래커(Poison tracker)
1 Installs단순 독 유무 알림 무기에 독이 없을때 화면에 무기 아이콘 뜸
Arms Warrior Short Burst Buffs
0 InstallsHUD style timers to show overlap of helpful procs. This includes buffs from Executioner, Overpower, as well as Sophic Devotion enchant proc (for mastery buff). There is another inner ring that enables when "Hurricane" is...
Mortal Wounds + Mortal Strike Tracker Arena
8 InstallsIIMPORTANT TO READ! This WA is tracking the debuff on your arenapartners and you and will show it as a little Icon on the right side of your Arenaframe. I made this Weakaura because we...
8.3 arms warrior pvp
13 Installsbanner, reflect, duel, disarm, heroic leap and thorns tracker
Class Portriats
9 InstallsUse Masque to reskin icons :)
Fubar's Hunter Pet Suite
12 InstallsCredit To dirtii (@dirtii) (https://wago.io/p/dirtii) For Making The Original Aura's. I Have Taken Moded Them Plus Added A Few Other Things To It. Current Level (If Same As Player It Will Say Your Pet Is...
CC on Shadowfiend
4 InstallsThis WA shows 2 bars on your screen. One for the duration of your shadowfiend and one for the CC on your shadowfiend if any.
Power Word Shield Down
12 InstallsI created this aura to notify me with a sound and an icon when my PW:S is down, as I never notice! It notifies me under the conditions that I am in combat, I do...
Loss of Control Alert
5 InstallsLoss of Control themed to be similar to retail. This is a modified version of the very popular WA.
Echoing Reprimand Legendary
12 InstallsEchoing Reprimand highlighting each buffed combo point
warlock armor pet sac reminder
8 Installssimple WA to alert if you haven't got a warlock armor (demon or fel) and/or haven't sacrificed a pet (if talented). Will also show a 360 second reminder countdown
Ice Barrier Focus (Swiftnezz Edition)
13 Installs⚔️This WeakAura will provide live Ice Barrier notification bars on your screen. ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― •This special effects bar & text combo update in real-time to show you how much damage is left to be absorbed by...